Week 2

  • Period: to

    The Revolution

    -This newspaper was established by workers rights activist Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cody Stanton
    -It's primary focused on workers rights, especially women's suffrage , is the fight of women to vote in elections
    -It helped them strengthen their movement and prepare the way for an organization to represent women's rights
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    People's Party

    -The purpose of the "peoples party" was to increase in the money supply to help for farmers and any workers
    -The purposed were to mainly towards struggled farmers and desperate laborers
    -The movement is associated with grange(the farmers movement)
    -The populists programs eventually become the platform of the democratic party and keeps alive the concept that the government is responsible for the reforming social injustices
    -James B Weaver , was the populist candidate.
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

    Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
    -WCTU fought for prohibition, the banning of alcoholic beverages, wanted immigrants and poor city dwellers to uplift themselves
    -Frances Wilard help transform the Union from a small Mid-Western religious group to a national organization
    -Aroused tension btw immigrants b/c their customs included alcohol consumption
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    Harsh Working Conditions

    -Children as young as 6yrs old worked hard hrs for little or no pay
    -Women mostly found jobs in domestic service, textile factories, and spice work shops
    -Children sometimes worked up to 19 hrs w/ 1 break
    -Women were paid less than half and children a third of what men make
    -Worked in dangerous locations
    - If one was hurt head or arm was cut off
  • Assassination of President James Garfield

    Assassination of President James Garfield
    -Shots came from .44 British Bulldog , which the assassin Charles J. Guiteau , had purchased specifically because he thought it would look impressive in a museum
    -He had killed Garfield because of the President's refusal to appoint him to a European consulship
    -The assassin was know around Washington as an emotionally disturbed man
    -He was convinced that is a God's work
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    -Patronage system is a practice in which a political party after winning an election gives govt. jobs to its supporters
    -Merit system is the process of promoting and hiring govt. employees based on their ability to perform a job
    -President Garfield was shot two times by Charles Guitcom whom turned a job down Chester Arthur became president
    -Officials could no longer pressure employees for campaign contributions
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
    -Railroad rates to be "reasonable and just" but didn't empower the gov. to fix specific rates
    -Designated to regulate the railroad and industrial businesses
    -This as the 1st federal law to regulate private businesses
    -This law created a federal agency,ICC , RR rates & regulations
  • Period: to

    The Progressive Era

    -The progressive era was a time of social and political reforms during which corruption and social differences were exposed many changes were made to American Society
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    -This act made it illegal to form a trust (turned their stock over to a group or a person to control the company to have absolute power)
    -The act prohibited monopolies having good conmpetiion with other companies and their industry
    -Companies under the Sherman Act was not easy because it didn't clearly define terms such as "trust"
    -Created because of Rockefeller/Standard Oil Company
  • Red Record

    Red Record
    Author: Ida B. Wells
    Lynching in the U.S
    Educated America to help stop crimes against Southern African Americans & help start NAACP For African American rights
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    -Tested the constitutionality of segregation
    -Supreme Court ruled that the separation of races in public accomodations was legal & didnt violate the 14th ammendment
    -Separate but equal allowed states to maintain separated facilities as long as they provided equal services
    -Permitted legal segregation for almost 60 yrs
  • The Klondike Gold Rush

    The Klondike Gold Rush
    -About 100,000 Americans stampeded to the Klondike in search of fortune only 10,000 made it
    - Americans headed North to test their luck to take adcantage of the second major Gold Rush
    -The economy different to each group of ppl. hardware stores earned money from miners while the miners were not finding gold claims, making them lose money
  • Period: to

    Muckraker Journalism

    -One magazine journalist who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s
    -Journalists desvribed immigrant ghettos and the poor living conditions of tenement housing
    -Muckraker condemned exploitation of child labvor and white slave traffic in women
    -They exposed Rockefeller oil industry and his monopolists ways
    -Authors like Upton Sinclair exposed the meat packing industry which led to the meat packing act & pure food and drug act
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    -Written by muckraking journalists Upton Sinclair
    -Focus was the human conditiion in the stockyards of Chicago & to exploit the labor of men & women for profit
    Magnigied the sickening conditions of the meat-packing industry
    -As result of making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous conditions, each local gov. passed its own set of health codes as well as the meat inspection act & the pure food & drug act
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    -The cause of the pure food and drug act was because of all the musketeers like upon Sinclair writing stories on the working conditions and how filthy the federals were
    -The power of the food and drug act is to protect the public against adulteration of food and from products identified as healthful without scientific support
    -The pure food and drug out they had responsibility of testing all foods and drugs destined for human consumption and the requirements for prescriptions
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    Social Gospel

    -Settlement houses like the hull house w/ Jane Adams and religious groups helped start the " social gospel movement"
    -They believed that churches had a duty to solve society's problems and preached salvation through service to the poor
    -They were criticized by others, believed the social gospel movement, because they did not believe their reforms could help
    -The progressive Era, inspired even more reform acts for example the YMCA and WCTU

    -National association for the advancement of colored ppl
    -An organization founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality
    -Had over 6,000 members by 1914
    -Established by Web Du
  • 16th Ammendment

    16th Ammendment
    -Allows the congress to levy an income tax on the ppl
    -Its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power toward the federal govt. and away from the states
    -Progressive-favoring or advocating progress and change
    -Revenue- collective items of income of a person, state, etc
    -Tariff- tax or duty to be paid
  • 17th Ammendment

    17th Ammendment
    -Allowed the people to choose and vote for who the state senate will be.
    -The effect of the 17th Amendment was direct election which is where citizens themselves vote far
  • Period: to

    The Bull Moose Party

    -The founder of the bull moose party is the Theodore Roosevelt
    -He was defeated in the republic Primaries and broke off.
    -The party advocated women suffrage , Workmen's compensation an eight hour work day a minimum wage for women , federal law against child labor and federal trade
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    -Establish a form of economic stability in the U.S thru the intro of the central bank
    -Max employee stabilizing prices moderating long term interest rate
    -The Banking System of the U.S changed & help create the fed Reserve which we use today
    Banking System
  • 18th Amendment (Cont...)

    18th Amendment (Cont...)
    -Speakeasy- illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    -Flapper- generation of young western women in 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their unacceptable behavior
  • 18th Ammendment

    18th Ammendment
    -Caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating Americans health and causing criminal acts
    -Established the prohibition of alcohol beverages in the US by declaring the production, transport, and sale of alcohol illegally
    -Instead of reducing crime, it created massive organized crime movements and corrupted public officials who took bribes
    -Temperance - restraint and moderation from drinking
    -Prohibition- nationwide ban of alcohol
  • 19th Ammendment

    19th Ammendment
    -Women wanted equality
    -Granted women the right to vote-a right known as suffrage
    -Helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of American Life
    -Women advocated for jobs, fairer wages, education, sex education, and birth control