Watergate scandal

  • The Watergate trial

    In the trial all defendants either pleaded guilty or was founded guilty
  • Saturday night massacre

    this was alot of people getting fired by Nixon in a single day
  • Bad administration

    This was nixon turning in a edited transcript instead of the acual tapes
  • The secret taping system

    The secret taping was revealed from the presidents office and this showed that he was involved in the Watergate coverup
  • Impeachment Hearings

    In 1973 the impeachment hearings started and in 1974 the tapes showed his involvement in the Watergate scandal and he resigned and was the first president to do so
  • Dirty Tricks

    Reagan would spend the money he had on hiring spies to be at other campaign parties to see whats going on and to try and get info out of them
  • Campaign Funding

    The campaign that was held to re elect Reagan was to get as much money as possible and and he didnt do what he said he was going to do with it