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US History 1945-1988

  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Soviet Communist North Korea, American Capitalist South Korea, Marks the beginning of the Korean War.
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    Cold War

    Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the two major world powers. The Cold War involved proxy wars and the fight asking if communism(Soviets) or capitalism(U.S) was better.
  • Iron curtain

    Iron curtain
    Winston churchill delivered a speech saying that an iron curtain had fallen over europe, separating the Capitalist West from the Communist East.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman Doctorine to support "freedom loving people" wherever communism threatens.
  • Hollywood Ten

    Hollywood Ten
    U.S. citizens now have to prove their loyalty and hearings are held for potential communists in Hollywood. Ten Hollywood celebrities were jailed for six months or up to a year for suspicion of being communist. They were blacklisted from Hollywood along with 200 others.
  • Levittown

    Famous new suburban, affordable and an option for every white family yo have the "American Dream", created by William and Alfred Levitt.
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    Baby Boom

    30 million population increase during the 1950s sue to soldiers coming home and women having a lot of children
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    In Switzerland, a peace conference that temporarily divided vietnam into communist north and capitalist south. Failed to go into place because Ho Chi Minh won the election changing the whole country to communism.
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    Segregation of public schools was said to be unconstitutional and against the 14th amendment under chief justice Earl Warren.
  • Sputnik

    Soviets launch the first object into space before the U.S. did starting the space race
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    Freedom Rides

    White and Black civil rights activists who drove into the south to protest against segregated areas. They ran into lots of trouble from white locals and many were arrested but the police there.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    The March was a protest against segregation in Washington DC with major speakers like Martin Luther King Jr. , It worked to put in the major civil rights legislation that was pending in congress
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    Signed in by Lyndon B Johnson, outlawing discriminatory voting practices which were mainly seen In the south, including literacy tests to be passed ignorer to vote .
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Several surprise attacks by Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops on areas all over South Vietnam, a turning point in the war.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The mass murder of many innocent Vietnamese civilians by American Troops during that Vietnam War .
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    an Education Rights Act that stated that no one will be denied an education on the basis of sex.
  • Watergate

    A scandal involving president Nixon, causing him to resign from president. His administration broke into the Democratic National Committee's headquarters because Nixon believed they were conspiring against him.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Put in place that the government must protect a pregnant woman's rights and let her have an abortion.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Signed by Egyptian President and Israeli Prime Minister agreeing to create peace between the two countries with the presence of President Jimmy Carter there.
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    Iran-Contra Affair

    Secret arms deal between the US and Iran grading missiles to free some American hostages held by terrorists because the US had given asylum to their president that they had overthrown.