Unit Overviews

  • Jamestown

    1st english colony
  • Start of Slavery

    African slaves were brought to america to work
  • House of Burgesses

    first assembly in america
  • Mayflower Compact

    pilgrims signed this agree on a voyage
  • French and indian war

    a war between the english and the indians and france
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Prohibted colonists from going past the Appalachian mountains
  • treaty of paris

    Gave americans land to the mississippi river
  • Stamp Act

    put a tax on all legal documents in the colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    english troops killed 5 defenseless colony protesters
  • Boston tea party

    Colonists dumped tons of tea into the boston harbour, to anger england because of the acts they have set
  • 1st Continental Congress

    meeting of represenatives from all 13 colonies except Georgia
  • Lexington and Concord

    was the first conflict of the revolutionary war
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    was the second time represenatives meet and they established a continental army at the meeting
  • Declaration of Independence

    Was a document that contained grievences from the colonists and their efforts for independence from Britian
  • Articles of Confederation

    the united states first government plan,but was eventually disregarded
  • Critical Period

    Time after revolutionary war , where a new form of government was soon to be interpret
  • Yorktown

    Was the final place the revolutionary war ended after the british were surrounded by the continental army
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    established a plan for surveying the western lands
  • Annapolis convention

    the first meeting of commissoners to remedy defects of the government.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    debt ridden farmers in Massachusetts rebel due to high taxes
  • Northwest Ordinance 1787

    provided the process for the creation and admission of new states
  • Constituitonal Convention

    was intended to rebuild the articles of confederation
  • The great compromise

    A debate to determine how many represenatives a state can have in congress
  • 3/5's compromise

    A compromise that gave slaves a 3/5s of a person to count as people in determining population for represenatives
  • judiciary act of 1789

    an act that established the judicial branch of the governmnet
  • Bill of Rights signed

    the first 10 amendments in the constitution, that focus on human rights
  • washingtons presidency

    the 1st president of the united states who served two terms
  • Gabe prosser Revolt

    a slave revoly held by this man in richmond during the srping and summer time.
  • Adam's Presidency

    he was the 2nd president and also served two terms
  • louisiana purchase

    a piece of land bought from france that doubled the US
  • Marbury vs Madison

    made a fine line between the excecutive and judical branch
  • Jeffersons presidency

    he was the 3rd president who is considered a founding father
  • War of 1812

    was considered a second war of independence for the us against the british
  • McCulloch vs Maryland

    A case that showed that congress had implied powers under the neccesary and proper act
  • missouri compromise

    effort by congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of missouri in late 1819 for admission as a state in which slavery would be permitted
  • Monroe Doctine

    originated by president James Monroe, declaring the US would not tolerate intervention by european nations
  • Gbbons vs ogden

    A case that showed congress has the right to regualte taxes on the monopoly steamboat corporations
  • Jacksons Presidency

    He served president from 1829 to 1837.
  • Age of common man

    The extension of democracy on all white men.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Lands west of the mississippi in exchange for indian lands.
  • Nat turner

    Slave revolt in south hampton that was largest slave uprising in history.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Last stand in the mexican revolution, went down to the last man.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    texanian army engaged and won against general antonio lopez, only took 20 mins.
  • U.S. annexes texas

    texas was made a state after a war with mexico
  • Mexican war

    conflict between us and mexico over land south of us, texas.
  • CA gold rush

    The mass flee to california in search of gold.
  • fugitive slave law

    Any slave that escaped was subject to arest and shipment back to plantation
  • compromise of 1850

    would give the goverment more states to aquire
  • Seneca falls convention

    a convention that brought upon womens rights as a priority in this country
  • Uncle toms cabin

    a book written in the 1800/s that fueled the abolitionist movement.
  • kansas nebraska act

    opened new lands up for settlement
  • Dred scott case

    an african american sued for his freedom that got taken to the supreme court.
  • election of 1860

    the first peaceful party change in an election
  • battle of fort sumter

    the first battle of the civil war in south carolina
  • battle of antietam

    bloodiest single day battle of the civil war, union won strong
  • homestead act

    was an act that gave all males the right to bare arms in the civil war
  • emancipation proclamation

    was issued after union victory that freed all slaves in the rebelling states
  • battle of gettysburg

    battle fought in pennsylvania was a union victory
  • battle of vicksburg

    was the last major military action of civil war that led lee to his surrender
  • gettysurg address

    was an important speech lincoln delevired after the battle of gettysburg
  • lincolns assasination

    lincoln was killed in a theatre by john wilkes boothe cowarldy in the back of the head
  • 13th amendment

    gace freedom to all slaves and made slavery illegal
  • appomatox courthouse

    where general robert e lee surrendered to uylesses s grant, ending the civil war
  • Reconstructuion

    period following civil war, was a time of rebuliding the states strong again
  • reconstruction act of 1867

    act that readmmited the rebel states back into the union
  • election of 1867

    was the first presidential election after the civil war
  • 14th amendment

    granted citizenship to all who are born in the united states
  • 15th amendment

    gave african american men the right to vote
  • knights of labor

    a large group of workers that stood together to change work habits
  • chinese exclsuion act of 1882

    restricted all chinese immigrants from coming into the united states
  • haymarket square

    was a labor protest in chicago that turned into a riot because a bomb was thrown at the police.
  • dawes act 1887

    made the indian laws more strict and unair
  • assimilation policy

    was a policy that wanted to modernize the population of people.
  • jim crow laws

    racial segregation laws, seperated minorities apart
  • Sherman Anti-Trust act

    Gives congress the right to intervene in busniess and to weed out trusts that form.
  • homestead strike

    was a battle against labor unions to find a compromise amongst everyone
  • american railway union

    first industrial union in the united states
  • Pullman Strike

    was a nation wide strike on the railways in the united states
  • plessy vs ferguson 1896

    was a court case that involved racial segregation and if it is right or not
  • Spanish American War

    America went to war against Spain to free Cuba from Spanish domination
  • Treaty of Paris 1898

    was a treaty that told spain to sign over and surrender, cuba and puerto rico
  • Platt Amendment

    it permitted extensive U.S. involvement in Cuban international and domestic affairs
  • reservation system

    set aside places of land for the indians to live on
  • Progressive Movement

    a period of social activism and political reform in the United States
  • open door policy

    made foreign trade simple giving equal privileages to all countries
  • Boxer rebellion

    an anti-imperialist uprising which took place in China towards the end of the Qing dynasty
  • Susan B. Anthony

    an American social reformer and feminist who played a major role in the women's suffrage movement
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    was an addition to the monroe doctrine, was given in his state of the union address
  • Migration movement

    the movement of 6 million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest
  • 16th amendment

    allows congress to levy income taxes
  • 17th amendment

    that senators are voted on by popular vote
  • WW1

    the first world war because the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and some other causes
  • Clayton Anti-Trust act

    Was an amendment that was simliar to sherman act, it strenghtened the act
  • Federal Trade Commision Act

    Act that established the federal trade commission,
  • Panama Canal

    a canal built to connect the atlantic to the pacific, saves a trip around south america for boats
  • u.s. enters ww1

    president wilson wanted to put germany down and for the trade not tobe tampered with
  • 14 points

    wilson had 14 points that he wanted to be meet by germany after the war and to others
  • Harlem Renaissance

    A time where cultural and social movements chaged after world war 1
  • 19th amendment

    Gave american women the right to vote in elections.
  • treaty of versailles

    was the official end of the war of germany against the allied powers.
  • 18th amenment

    this amendment put a prohibition on alcohol for 13 years
  • immigration restriction act

    was the first major act to restrict foreign people from becoming citizens
  • Scopes trial

    a teacher was tried in court for teaching human revolution