
Unit 9: WWII

  • Mao Zedong heads Long March

    Mao Zedong heads Long March
    The long march was lead by Mao Zedong the leader of the Communist party. He led the Communist party away from the Republic on there last leg of power. The jouney was 6,000 miles long and went through all terrains. Guangzho was where the soldiers started. The second big stop in the Long March the Communists hit the mountain range in Luding. And the thirsd and final stop was in the caves of Shanxxi.
  • Germany invades Poland; France and Great Britain declare war on Germany

    Germany invades Poland; France and Great Britain declare war on Germany
    This invasion of Poland marked the begging of WWII in Europe. This invasion wad the first test of the lighting attacks clled the Blitzkrieg which involved fast moving tanks and planes followed by massive infantry. Which worked for Germany and the invasion of Poland.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    In this attck led by the Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto the Japanese planned a suprise attck on the United States Pacific naval base wich is on the island of oahu in Hawaii. On December 7, 1941 over 2,300 Americans were killed and 1,100 wounded. After this attack President Poosevelt gave a speech saying the famous line of, "this day will live in infamy". Congress then accepted the request for war against the japanese and its allies.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    After the Battle of the Buldge in Russia the European side of the war came to a rapid end. in late March the allies were over the Rhine River and closing around Berlin. At this time Berlin was under attck by the allies and hitler was in his underground buncker committing suicide with his wife eva Braun the day after getting married. Hitler handed full power to one of his most trusted admirals who them surrendered the Third Reich to General Eisenhower.
  • United Nations formed

    United Nations formed
    The United Nations formed fter WWII to prevent war and spread peace throught the countries. in june 945 during the Cold War Russiaa set aside thier diffrernes with America in order to join the 48 countries in creating the United Nations. It consisted of the 111 member Security Council could be overpowered by the 5 permient countries which are the US, UK, Soviet Union, China, and Fraance.
  • Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki