Unit 7(1890-1945) Part 1 (Imperialism & WWI)

  • Alaska

    Congress agreed to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. This marked the end of Russian expanding trade into the Pacific Coast of North America and was a step for the US to rise as a great power in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    Mahan was a U.S. navy captain who wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History which argued that a strong navy was important for to a country wanting foreign markets and becoming a world power
  • Sugar Plantations to overthrown -Hawaii

    Sugar Plantations to overthrown -Hawaii
    Hawaiian sugar plantations were a great source of wealth which is why sugar farmers were behind the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani. Queen Liliuokalani was the last sovereign of the Kamehameha dynasty.
  • Location-Hawaii

    Hawaii was important to the US military effort because of it's location during war with Spain in Cuba and Philippines. The Navy got an important base called Pearl Harbor which helped to project its power across the Pacific.
  • Cuban Revolt- Spanish American War

    Cuban Revolt- Spanish American War
    Cuban nationalists were fighting Spanish rule for 10 years and in 1895 they adopted the strategy of sabotaging Cuban plantations. Spain responded by sending General Valeriano Weyler and troops to supress the revolt.
  • Yellow Press- Spanish American War

    Yellow Press- Spanish American War
    Yellow Journalism exaggerated false accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba. After reading about these atrocities, Americans urged Congress and the President to intervene in Cuba to put a stop to the atrocities. Two Yellow Journalists were Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst.
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    This letter was sent by the Spanish minister to the United States Dupuy De Lome, the letter was critical of President MnKinley and Americans considered it an official Spanish insult against US national honor
  • Sinking of the Maine- Spanish American War

    Sinking of the Maine- Spanish American War
    Anchored at Havana, Cuba the U.S. battleship Maine exploded killing 260 Americans on board. Yellow Journalists blamed Spain of purposefully blowing it up. This started the Spanish American War
  • Teller Amendment- Spanish American War

    Teller Amendment- Spanish American War
    Congress responded to McKinley's war message by passing the Teller Amendment. It declared that the U.S. had no intention of taking political control of Cuba and that once the island was restored the Cuban people would control their own government.
  • Philippines- Spanish American War

    Philippines- Spanish American War
    Knowing war was going to happen, Roosevelt sent a fleet to Philippines which had been under Spanish rule since 1500's. The fleet opened fire at Manila Bay, the Spanish fleet was soon put into submission, and together U.S. troops and Filipinos captured the city of Manila
  • Invasion of Cuba- Spanish American War

    Invasion of Cuba- Spanish American War
    After the Philippines American forces moved to Cuba. Cuba was harder to stand due to tropical diseases like malaria and typhoid. American and Cuban forces both succeeded in defeating the Spanish army. They had great victory at San Juan Hill and Santiago Bay. After realizing they didn't have a navy and couldn't fight anymore, Spain asked for U.S. terms for peace
  • Treaty of Peace- Spanish American War

    Treaty of Peace- Spanish American War
    The terms provided recognition of Cuban independence, U.S. acquisition of Puerto Rico and Guam, and U.S. acquisition of the Philippines in return for $20 million to Spain. Unfortunately the U.S. had no idea how much work the Philippines would take.
  • Philippines Traded Over-Philippine American War

    Philippines Traded Over-Philippine American War
    After being ceded to the U.S. by Spain in the Treaty of Paris the Philippine people became angry
  • McKinley's War Message- Spanish American War

    McKinley's War Message- Spanish American War
    After the Maine, McKinley sent an ultimatum to Spain to ceasefire in Cuba but Congress and the people kept wanting war so McKinley sent a war message to Congress. He made four reasons for the U.S. to intervene in the Cuban Revolution. They were to put an end to miseries in Cuba, protect property of U.S. citizens living in Cuba, end the stop to commerce and trade to the U.S., and end the menace to the arising disorders in Cuba
  • Emilio Aguinaldo-Philippine-American War

    Emilio Aguinaldo-Philippine-American War
    A revolution broke out in 1896 by Emilio Aguinaldo in the Philippine Islands who declared the Philippines an independent country. Filipinos were outraged that their hopes of national independence from Spain was now being denied by U.S.
  • Open Door Policy-China

    Open Door Policy-China
    John Hay created an Open Door Policy in China which meant all nations would have equal trading privileges in China.
  • Boxer Rebellion- China

    Boxer Rebellion- China
    Xenophobia of foreigners lead to the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 where a secret society of Chinese nationalists killed dozens of Christian missionaries and attacks foreign settlements.
  • Hay Banau Varilla Treaty- Panama Canal

    Hay Banau Varilla Treaty- Panama Canal
    The Hay-Banau-Varilla Treaty of 1903 gave US full control of the canal zone. The building of this canal was successful due to two Army colonels George Goethals who was chief engineer and Dr. William Gorgas who eliminated mosquitoes and yellow fever
  • Roosevelt Corollary -Big Stick Diplomacy

    Roosevelt Corollary -Big Stick Diplomacy
    Roosevelt involved Latin American nations that were in financial trouble and could not pay their European debts. This became known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. America could send gun boats to a Latin America country that wasn't paying their debts. Sailors and marines would occupy the country's ports to manage taxes until debts were paid.
  • Why?- Panama Canal

    Why?- Panama Canal
    This canal was needed through central america to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
  • Great White Fleet- Big Stick Diplomacy

    Great White Fleet- Big Stick Diplomacy
    To demonstrate US naval power to other nations, Roosevelt sent a fleet of battleships on an around the world cruise. It was an impressive sight and Japan welcomed this.
  • Japan

    Gentlemen's Agreement was a secret deal between Japan and the United States. Japan agreed to restrict emigration of Japanese workers in return for Roosevelt getting Cali to repeal the discriminatory laws. Root-Takahria Agreement(1908) pledged mutual respect for each nation's Pacific possessions and support for the Open Door policy in China.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Unlike Roosevelt's big stick diplomacy Taft created a dollar diplomacy where he tried to promote US trade by supporting American enterprise abroad, a form of American foreign policy to further its aims in Latin America and Asia through economic power. He invested with other nations to create railroads in China and he also intervened in Nicaragua's financial affairs in 1911 to protect American investments
  • Tampico Incident- Mexico

    Tampico Incident- Mexico
    In the Tampico incident American seamen were arrested and released but dictator Huerta refused to apologized so Wilson ordered the U.S. Navy to occupy Vera Cruz. South America's ABC powers-Argentina, Brazil, and Chile offered to mediate the dispute, this was the first dispute in the America's to be settled through joint mediation.
  • Industry&Labor- WWI

    Industry&Labor- WWI
    The war created more jobs for women, Mexicans began to migrate to work in jobs for agriculture and mining, and African Americans took advantage of opened up jobs and migrated North. American troops began to ship supplies while their army trained to help. Wilson created many agencies to help the effort. Herbert Hoover took charge of the Food Administration which encouraged Americans to eat less meat and bread. Harry Garfield was head of the Fuel Administration which saved coal.
  • Unrestricted warfare- WWI

    Unrestricted warfare- WWI
    Established when Germany declared the area around British Isles a war zone where all ships even neutral ships would be attacked by German navy.
  • Lusitania Crisis- WWI

    Lusitania Crisis- WWI
    As a result of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare the Lusitania was sunk. This challenged U.S. neutrality, Wilson responded by sending Germany a message warning Germany would be accountable if it continued to sink unarmed ships. After this other sinking's occurred but later Germany would back down.
  • U.S. Expeditionary Force- Mexico

    U.S. Expeditionary Force- Mexico
    Huerta was replaced by a more democratic regime led by Carranza. The new government was challenged by revolutionaries loyal to Pancho Villa, Villa led raids across the Mexican border into the U.S. and murdered people in Texas and surrounding states. Wilson ordered General Pershing to pursue Villa in Mexico. This expeditionary force was in northern Mexico for months but couldn't find Villa and Carranza wanted American presence out of Mexico so Wilson withdrew troops
  • Zimmermann Telegram- WWI cause

    Zimmermann Telegram- WWI cause
    British intelligence received a secret message from Germany to Mexico and in this Germany proposed that Mexico should ally itself with Germany and in return Germany would give them back their territories such as Texas and New Mexico. This telegram angered American nationalism.
  • Espionage and Sedition Acts- WWI

    Espionage and Sedition Acts- WWI
    Socialists and Pacifists began to criticize the government's war policy. In response the espionage and sedition acts were passed, the penalty for speaking out in this way resulted in a prison sentence. The espionage act imprisoned people up to 20 years who tried to rebel in the armed forces or obstruct the operation of the draft. The sedition act prohibited people from making disloyal or abusive remarks about the government.
  • Selective Service Act- WWI

    Selective Service Act- WWI
    This act required men in the U.S. between ages of 21 and 30 to register for military service. The system of the "selective service" was made by Secretary of War Newton D. Baker, this made sure the population would be called into service
  • Fourteen Point Plan by Wilson- WWI

    Fourteen Point Plan by Wilson- WWI
    These points were a list for peace negotiations for ending WWI. They spoke on war aims and peace terms to the U.S. by President Wilson. An important point of Wilson's points was the League of Nations.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    After Cold War between Soviet Union and U.S. intensified, hysteria over the threat of Communists in the U.S. became known as the Red Scare
  • Annexation- Hawaii

    Annexation- Hawaii
    President Cleveland opposed Republican views to annex Hawaii but war with Philippines gave Congress and President McKinley the pretext to complete annexation. Hawaii became a territory in 1900 and the 50th state in 1959.