
Unit #6 Timeline 1800-1914

  • Steam Engine Improved

    Steam Engine Improved
    The steam engine was knowen as the greatest invention of the early industrial revolution. The steam was perfected by James Watt.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was not only a crucial event considered in the context of Western history, but was also, perhaps the single most crucial influence on British intellectual, philosophical, and political life. There was the reign of terror, kings that didn't make the economy any better, and many revolts. There were dictators. Many people were killed at a time by a guillotine.
  • Haitian Revoultion

    Haitian Revoultion
    Haiti-French colony. Slaves revlouted which led to Haiti becoming independent. And ending slavery. Hati as the first Republic ruled by people of African Ancestray.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    The war fought was an armed war between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonial athuorities. Was led by Mexican born Spaniards, Mestizos and Amerindians. When they defeated them, they gained there independence.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Its reasoning was to settle the many issues from the French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and the separation of the Holy Roman Empire. Conference of ambassadors.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    Opium War was between Brittian and China. It stared when Brittian burned China's opium, because they were againest the smuggling. Comissioner Lin destroys many chest of opium. Which soon let to the Tready of Nanking.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    Book written by Socialists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles. It expressed their views of the "haves" and the "have-nots". "haves" were peole with money while "have-nots" were the opposite. Was know as one of the most influencial political books in history.
  • Matt Perry Goes To Japan

    Matt Perry Goes To Japan
    Matthew Perry was a U.S Navy Commodore who wanted Japan to open up to the Western world with the convention of Kanagawa. America debated for months with the Japenese so that they could open up trade with eachother. This was important because this was one of the reasons japanese wanted to start ww2 with america.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    This was the first Indian War of Independence. Sepoy Mutiny was also known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857 was an uprising against Britians East India Company's army. The uprising turned into a civial rebellion mostly centerend in the North Central Region of India.
  • Unification Of Germany

    Unification Of Germany
    The document was written by Stephen Tonge. This confederation was dominated by Austria, which as a large imperial power was politically and economically superior to the smaller Germanic states.
  • Berlin Comference

    Berlin Comference
    The Berlin Conference was when westerners split up Africa. Foreign ministers of fourteen European powers and the United States established rules for Africa. Which led to the scamble for Africa.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    This was a war that broke out over dominance in korea and manchuria. Japan wins, gaining those countries. Which begins a period of colonial expansion and exploitation.
  • Zulu Uprising

    Zulu Uprising
    This was a Zulu revolt against British rule and taxation in Natal, South Africa. The African workers in Natal were being taxed by the British. They (Zulu ) were treated very unfairly so the revoultion was a good thing on there part.
  • Dr.Sun Yat-Sen Takes Over China

    Dr.Sun Yat-Sen Takes Over China
    He wants a republic based on:
    the three princapls of peole
    1. nationalism, free China
    2. democracy, represetve government
    3. livelihood, econmic security/stabiliy
    Which later leds to revolt