Unit 5 Timeline

  • capture of bunker hill

    capture of bunker hill
    Colonists captured Bunker Hill and British decided to take it back but they had a lot of fatalities during this process. the British defeated the Americans. Despite their grand fatalities, the inexperienced colonial forces inflicted significant casualties against the enemy, and the battle provided them with an important confidence boost.
  • Thomas Paine and Common Sense

    Thomas Paine and Common Sense
    a man who released a pamphlet called Common sense in 1776 that argued about how the colonies had surpassed any source of need for English domination and later wanted to be independent.
  • establishment of declaration

    establishment of declaration
    Jefferson was established to draft up the declaration of independence. on July 4, 1776 the declaration was approved by the congress
  • large-state plan

    large-state plan
    a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. The plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorum to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    an agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution.
  • abolition of the slave trade

    abolition of the slave trade
    On 25 March 1807, the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act entered the statute books. Nevertheless, although the Act made it illegal to engage in the slave trade throughout the British colonies, trafficking between the Caribbean islands continued, regardless, until 1811.