Unit 3 Timeline

  • 1517

    Piligrams and the New World

    Piligrams and the New World
    The Pilgrims left Holland to seek refuge in the New World. They sailed on the Mayflower to Plymouth Rock, agreed on the Mayflower Compact.
  • Africans in the New World

    Africans in the New World
    The first Africans arrived in Virginia. Led the way for thousands more becoming slaves, no more indentured servants in Virginia.
  • Founding of New Colonies

    Founding of New Colonies
    ,Maryland, Connecticut, New Haven, New Sweden, Delaware, were some colonies founded during this time period. (1634-38)
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    A war between the Native Americans and English in New England. Led my King Philip/ Metacom a Native American. It was very bloody and violent war.(1675-6)
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem witch Trails started in 1692 and ended around 1693. They were trails and hanging of people mostly women in Salem who were accused of witchcraft.
  • Slave Revolts

    Slave Revolts
    There were a couple instances of slave revolts in the colonies. In 1712 the slaves in New York revolted killing and injuring white people. In South Carolina/ Stono Rebellion it was the largest uprising in the English colonies. about 47 white people died and about 44 black people died in 9/9/1739.