• 35,000 BCE

    Bering Isthmus

    The melting Ice Age exposed the Bering Isthmus which was a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America in the area of the present-day. Bering Sea between Siberia and Alaska. The first peoples (nomadic Asians hunters) trekked this land bridge, slowly, overtime, populating the American continents.
  • 33,000 BCE


    Supercontinent (One Big Continent) was which contained all the world's dry land, started to separate, with enormous chunks of terrain beginning to drift away from this colossal landmass into the 7 continents today. This event paved way to the arrival of different and complex cultures and peoples.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus's Discovery

    Christopher Columbus, a skilled Italian seafarer, and his ship crew with permission of the Spanish monarch ventured out "to the Indians". On October 12,1492 the Columbus and his crew stumbled upon the beach of the West Indies (Bahamas). And thus forever changing the new world and impacting the future.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The English fought back, and hard, against the Spanish invasion into the English Channels. Using craft that was swifter and more maneuverable, they inflicted heavy damage on the Spanish ships in addition to the "Protestant Wind", ultimately winning. The rout of the Spanish Armada marked the beginning of the end of Spanish imperial, eventually turning the tables of power within the world.
  • Virginia Founded, 1st Colony

    Virginia is Founded under a charter of the Virginia Company and becomes the first British Colony in North America. Jamestown,Virginia is the first permanent English settlement. This event "essentially" allowed enabled for the other 12 colony to emerge, throughout the next several years.
  • Houses of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses was formed by the General Assembly. It became the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America. This body was created as an effort for the Burgesses to control and establish laws for the colony and set the direction for it's future growth.