
Trust Busting

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act Passed

    On this day, Congress pased the Sherman Antitrust Act ti prohibit any form of business monopoly. This was the first measure tooken by Congress to bust trusts. Finnaly, the country is taking steps to help bust these terrible and harsh types of businesses. However, even though this is a great bonus to help the nation, the law was extremely vague and some businesses were so powerful that they could remain, and the law wasn't enforced.
  • Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike, also known as the Homestead Steel Strike or Homestead Massacre, was an industrial lockout and strike against Carnegie's Steel Works Company which began on June 30, 1892, culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892.
  • President

    Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt assumes presidency after the death of the previous president, William McKinnley.
  • First Actual Use of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    In this year, Roosevelt sued a railroad monopoly called the Northern Securities company. Roosevelt sued this monopoly with the justification that Northern Securities has violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Northern Securities is a company that controlled almost every railroad line between Chicago and the Pacific Northwest.
  • Department of Commerce and Labor

    In 1903 Roosevelt created this company to further end trusts.
  • Ida Tarbell

    In 1904, Ida Tarbell published A History of Standard Oil. This publication helped espress the cruelty of trusts to the public.