Travel and Tourism development since 1970-2020

  • Increase in overseas visitors

    Increase in overseas visitors
    The year 1970, saw an increase of 16% in overseas visitors to the UK
  • First package holidays

    First package holidays
    Vladimir Raitz was the first person to offer package holidays. Vladimir organised a package in 1950 when 11 paying passengers flew to Corsica aboard a DC3, stopping to refuel and sleeping in tents.
    The passengers that flew to Corsica, paid £32.50 for the whole holiday, incuding flights, accommodation and all inclusive.
    However,a war took place with the oil crisis of 1973, it put Vladimir's business in trouble.In 1974 the company was taken over by Court Line, Clarksons Travel Group.
  • Boeing 747

    Boeing 747
    It took 50,00 employees to build the plane and it entered into commercial service in 1970. It was more than 231 feet long and its tail was taller than a six story building.
  • Period: to

    Key developments

  • Period: to

    Key developments

  • The number of package holidays

    The number of package holidays
    in 1980, the number of package holidays in the past 10 years, topped 10 million for the first time.
  • Growth of low cost airlines

    Growth of low cost airlines
    A significant area in the transport sector, has been low cost airlines. Low cost airlines such as Ryanair and Easyjet, they offer cheap and easy flights. These companies use smaller airports as they charge lower landing fees. They also try to keep the hold luggage to a minimum as it adds weight to the flight which increases the landing time and refuelling time.Landing times are also kept as short as possible as the shorter the landing time,quicker the turnaround time.
  • Ryanair

    in 1985, Ryanair launch their company and their first route. They have a share capital of £1 and they had 25 staff members.
  • EasyJet

    in the year 1990, another low budget airline launched, called EasyJet, this is because the European council relaxed the rules to create a common aviation area across Europe, meaning more low cost airlines can become available.
  • Overseas came to Britain

    Overseas came to Britain
    In 1990, 25.7 million tourists came to Britain, spending more than £12 million.
  • The Channel Tunnel

    The Channel Tunnel
    The channel tunnel is the longest undersea tunnel in the world, it opened from November 1994. It took more than five years to build and there was more than 13,00 employees from England and France. On the Channel tunnel, you are able to travel to Paris, Amsterdam etc. Around 4.5 million tourists use the tunnel every year.
  • More visits were made

    More visits were made
    in 2000, there was around 36.7 million visits made and a total of £24.3 billion spent by people in the UK.
  • 9/11

    in the year 2001, there was a tragic incident that caused long term damage to the travel and tourism industry in New York City. Due to this event, there were a loss in visitors, going from 6.8 million visitors in 2000 to 5.7 million in 2001. It took New York City almost 5 years to get back to normal and ho they used to be before 9/11. The City now has 13.5 million international tourists in 2018.
  • Birth and Growth of Social Media

    Birth and Growth of Social Media
    In the last 20 years, social media has become more popular. Social media has helped shape the way that we all travel, You are able to look at amazing scenery, reviews, opinions and more.
  • Decrease in Travel

    Decrease in Travel
    In 2010, they saw a decrease in foreign holidays, they had dropped down t 36.4 million and the amount spent being £31.8 billion.
  • Attracting more visitors to the UK

    Attracting more visitors to the UK
    In 2011, The Prime Minister made a £100 million public/private partnership to attract visitors to the UK from 2011-2015. The marketing programme called 'Great Britain You’re Invited' was there to enhance the UK’s position as one of the world’s leading destinations for international tourism. They aimed to deliver four million extra visitors; £2 billion extra spent here by visitors; and 50,000 new jobs.
  • Travel Increases

    Travel Increases
    In 2014, the numbers of people travelling started to slowly increase. There were 38.5 million holidays abroad. Also, more people started to use air travel again.
  • Foreign Holidays

    Foreign Holidays
    in 2018, as the decade was coming to an end, the number of holidays abroad increased massively, the number of holidays reached 47 million, with spending £45.4 billion and 292.1 million passengers flying out of Airports in the UK
  • SAS

    A new campaign launched with Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) to boost tourism to the UK.
  • Game of Thrones

    Game of Thrones
    The Film has inspired many people to travel to its filming locations, meaning more tourism for that country.