
Timeline of Pregnancy 9/16/1999 - 6/8/2000

  • I was planned (I promise).

    I was planned (I promise).
    My parents had intercourse, and I (the sperm) and many others (maybe around 500,000,000) traveled to an egg, where I was the first to get inside of the egg.
  • Fertilized Egg attaches to uterine wall

    Fertilized Egg attaches to uterine wall
    After the egg gets fertilized (up to 10 hours later), it attaches to the uterine wall.
  • The Conception

    Well, at this point the two Nuclei from the sperm and the egg have fused, and now I am growing from a microscopic level.
  • Cells are dividing

    Just a day later, I've started to divide, and the parasite within my mother is growing. The outer cells form my life support and the inner cells are making me.
  • I'm a tube boy

    I'm a tube boy
    Two weeks since conception, I'm now the shape of a tube. The top of the tube will develop into my head, whereas the bottom will form into my butt.
  • 9 weeks later...

    9 weeks later...
    I am now the size of a kidney bean, and I have some human shape. At this point, I should have formed all of my organs. Honestly, I am going to look like an alien for awhile.
  • 12 weeks in

    12 weeks in
    Now I am in the second trimester
    Lucky me, now I have a decreased chance of being miscarried, which is very good for me, because only 50% of fertilized eggs make it to complete pregnancy.
  • Christmas

    Merry Christmas, sadly enough however, I don't believe I had enough brain or knowledge to know this, but hey, I was technically there.
  • `New Years

    `New Years
    As sad as it is, I would not have been able to be born in time to be a 90's child, so I'll never be one of the cool kids. Thanks mom.
    On the bright side, only 5 months and 7 days down until I am born.
  • Many weeks in

    Many weeks in
    Well, at this point I'm probably obviously there, and my mother is probably getting weird cravings for foods she would normally hate; this is because for some reason my little fetus self was able to tell what nutrients I needed to develop properly.
    Also, now I would be in the 3rd trimester
  • What kind of music

    What kind of music
    At this time, my mom could be listening to "Say My Name" by Destiny's Child, because it was number 1 on the billboards at this time. To be honest, my mom listened to better songs though, so she was probably listening to Fall Out Boy, or maybe some Sublime. Who knows? Source- Google for the top songs on the billboard at the time.
    Google Images
  • Almost done

    As the end of the pregnancy is nearing, there are hormonal changes going on in the mother. In addition to this, decisions she has been making, have also been affecting me. For example; she has been smoking throughout the pregnancy which was not good for me at all. Luckily, I don't think it had any adverse side effects on me.
  • Birth by C-Section

    Birth by C-Section
    My mother had opted to give birth by C-Section, but I am not sure why. So on this day, I was born.
    So, C-Section is the grossest thing to look up. It already sounded really bad to me, but it is so much worse than I thought. Pretty much, the doctors put anesthetics in the mom so that she won't hurt, but then they straight up cut her open and pull the baby out. My mother did this 3 times.
    My sources- My mom, and Google images
  • Complications during pregnancy

    Complications during pregnancy
    Since my mother smokes when she was pregnant with me, my lungs could have very well developed incorrectly. In addition to this, it restricted the amount of oxygen going to me in the womb.
  • My sources

    For this project, I used knowledge gained from both Dr. Eatherton and my own mom.
    For my images, they were all pulled from google images.