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Timeline of NYSE and NASDAQ Stock Markets

By Sealban
  • Beginning of NYSE

    Beginning of NYSE
    The New York stock exchange famously began when 24 stockbrokers met under a Buttonwood tree and signed the Buttonwood Agreement. The Buttonwood Agreement made the following decisions, 1) The brokers were to deal only with each other, thereby eliminating the auctioneers, and 2) The commissions were to be 0.25%.
  • Down Day For the Market

    Down Day For the Market
    On this day, more than 16 million stocks were traded. The stock market ultimately lost $14 billion that day, helping cause the great depression.
  • Beginning of NASDAQ

    Beginning of NASDAQ
    NASDAQ is the fastest growing stock market today, and is uniquely electronic. It was founded to only be for tech companies, but has grown to include over 3200 companies from many different areas.
  • Up Day For The Market

    Up Day For The Market
    The Market hit an all-time high on this day, at 14,164.43, but by March 5, 2009, it had fallen more than 50% to 6594.44.