Gandhi boy

Timeline of Ghandi

By Baneen
  • Birth

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, which is present-day Gujrat, in India. His fathers name was Karamchand Gandhi and his mothers, Putlibai. She was Karamchand's fourth wife. Both were uneducated and illiterate.
  • Education

    Gandhi began primary school in Rajkot and later went onto High school in Rajkot. He was always shy and had great difficulty with athletics as well as academics. He especially struggled over his multiplication tables and rarely reached academic mediocrity. He was also limited in religious imagination as his mother was a devout Hindu which he often found distasteful.
  • Arranged Marriage

    Arranged Marriage
    Gandhi was only 13 years old when he was married to the 14 year old Kasturbai Makhanji. He had his first child when he was 15 years old but the new born soon passed away as Gandhi's father also passed away.
    13 year old Gandhi became bossy and did not allow his wife to play with her friends without his permission. As he tried to embrace his manhood of being a husband, he was still a young boy inside as he often had to keep a night light on in his room due to his fear of darkness.
  • Rebellious

    As Gandhi became rebellious as most teenagers, he would do forbidden things such as eat meat, steal pocket money, smoke, etc... However, after each forbidden episode, Gandhi would say, "never again" and would never repeat the crime.
  • Barrister Gandhi

    Barrister Gandhi
    Less than a month before his 19th birthday, Gandhi went to University of London to train as a barrister. Before leaving, he had promised his mother that he would not indulge in wine, meat, or women. He had become a vegetarian and took up dance lessons. He ordered new suits, gold chains, and tutored under experts in education, dancing, and music.
  • Law and Gandhi

    Law and Gandhi
    While in England, Gandhi's mother had passed away. He decided to go to Bombay and study India law and was called to the bar on June 10th. He failed and was also turned down for a part time job as a high school teacher. He returned to Rajkot.
  • Fight me

    Fight me
    British declared war against the Zulus and Gandhi actively encouraged the British to recruit Indians. He urged the South African Indians to join the war through his column in Indian Opinion.
  • Jail Time

    Jail Time
    Gandhi was arrested for the first time for refusing to carry an ID card in South Africa. He was released the following month and and was beaten up a few days later by someone who accused him of betraying the Indians.
  • March in November

    March in November
    At 6:30AM, 2,037 men, 127 women, and 57 children from Charlestown marched with Gandhi in the Great March to gain Indian rights in South Africa. Gandhi was arrested at 8:30PM while the people continued to march.
  • Suspension

    Gandhi suspended the South African struggle after winning the Indian Relief Act which made provision for the abolishment of the 3 pound tax, legalization of marriages conducted according to Indian rights, relaxation of immigration laws, and pardoning resisters. It was passed by the Union Senate and ended 8 years of a struggle by the Indians.
  • Hero

    Gandhi received a hero's welcome upon returning to India from South Africa. He later returned to live in South Africa and spoke in conventions of the Indian National Congress.
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    Gandhi established an Ashram in Ahmedabad. He advocated on behalf of farmers that were subject to oppressive taxation during famine. He was given exclusive authority over the Indian National Congress. Nationalist mobs set fire to a police station prompting Gandhi to call off his movement. He was arrested by the British Government for said violent attack. He was released from prison after serving two years of a six year sentence following his appendix surgery.
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    Gandhi's accomplishments

    Gandhi began a 21 day fast to reconcile Hindus and Muslims. India declared its independence and Gandhi embarked on a non violent campaign against British salt tax called Salt Satyagraha.