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Beth Bernheimer Harrington

  • Born

    Beth was born on December 20, 1966. Her parents, Marilyn and Len Bernheimer, were extremely happy.
  • First move

    First move
    After Beth's brother was born, her family moved to a new house which was in Natick.
  • Jonny Is Born

    Jonny Is Born
    Beth's brother, Jonathan, is born
  • First day of preschool

    First day of preschool
    Beth went to pre-school with all of the kids on her street, her brother and her neighbors all went together.
  • First day of Kindergarden

    First day of Kindergarden
    Beth started elementary school and had her first day of Kindergarden. She was going to a completely brand new school, The Memorial School, in South Natick. It had just been built. She was extremely excited to start a new adventure.
  • Grandma died

    Beth's mom's mom died in late November
  • Grandpa died

    Beth's dad's dad died later in the same year as her other grandma.
  • Started Gymnastics

    Started Gymnastics
    Beth started gymnastics in the 1st grade, which she absolutely loved, and continued to do all the way through high school.
  • First Pet

    First Pet
    Beth got her first pet in 3rd grade, which was a cat who she named Coot Cat. He lived for 7 years and then got kidney failiure and died in 1982
  • Overnight Camp

    Overnight Camp
    Beth did her first summer at Camp Naticook, an overnight camp. She continued there until the summer before her freshman year at college (1984), when she was then a camp counselor.
  • First Job

    First Job
    Beth worked at her dad's comapny over the summer and on all school vacations starting in 7th grade. She loved it because she got to spend extra time with her dad.
  • Blizzard of 1978

    Blizzard of 1978
    Beth was 11 when the Blizzard of 1978 occured. It ended up lasting 2 weeks, which became two weeks of no school for her and all of her freinds. The entire street played outside in the snow as much as they could.
  • Broken Arm

    Broken Arm
    When Beth was 12, saved up all of her money and bought a skateboard in the spring of 1978. All of the kids on the street had them and they built up a slalom course to race on. When going down the course one of the times, Beth fell off and broke her arm.
  • New School

    New School
    Beth moved schoolos for 7th-12th grade. Instead of staying at public school with all of her friends, she went to Dana Hall, an all girls private school in Wellesley. She hated the thought of leaving all of her friends and did not want to go.
  • Got a dog

    Got a dog
    Beth and her brother Jonny got a dog, Barney, who they all loved. He was a pain in the butt and he was horrible, but he ran away once and when he came back they all cried.
  • New Job

    New Job
    Beth started a new job in the Summer of 1984: lifeguarding. She worked at a pool each summer she was in college, until 1987.
  • College

    Beth started her freshman year at Williams College in Massachusetts
  • Met Mike (my dad)

    Met Mike (my dad)
    Her freshman year at Williams, Beth met Mike Harrington. They were friendly with each other but did not become real friends until their senior year. She had no idea yet (obviously) but, he was her future husband.
  • Graduated from College

    Graduated from College
    Beth graduated from college
  • New Job (again)

    New Job (again)
    Fresh out of college, Beth waitressed at various restaurants and at a marketing company for a little while.
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    Beth went on a trip to do relief work in Puerto Rico the fall after she graduated from Williams. She had one of the most memorable times. When she came back, she started dating MIke Harrington and started working as a social worker.
  • Social Work School

    Social Work School
    beth started going to school to become a social worker. She and Mike were living together in New York while she was at school and he was at Fordham Law School. Her trip to Puerto Rico when doing relief work moved her and she wanted to continue to make a difference in the world in any way she could. She continued going to school until 1992
  • Married

    Beth and Mike got married!
  • Caroline is born

    Caroline is born
    Caroline, the oldest child, was the only one born in New York. Beth and Mike moved later on and when everyone else was born, they were born in Massachusetts.
  • Moved

    Beth and Mike moved to Wellesley a month after Caroline was born, to be closer to Beth's parents and for Mike's new job
  • First Wellesley House

    First Wellesley House
    Beth, Mike, and Caroline moved into condos on Linden Street in Wellesley, and remained there until Kerry was born in 1999.
  • Molly is born

    Molly is born
  • I am born

    I am born
  • Kerry is born

    Kerry is born
  • Second House in Wellesley

    Second House in Wellesley
    Beth. Mike, Caroline, Molly, me, and Kerry moved in with my grandparents who lived in Wellesley. We stayed there until Spring of 2000.
  • Third and Final Wellesley House

    Third and Final Wellesley House
    Beth, Mike, Caroline, Molly, me, and Kerry all moved into the house we still live in now.
  • Mark is born

    Mark is born
  • New Pets

    New Pets
    In the Summer, we bought 2 cats, named Oliver and O'Malley and a dog, named TJ.
  • New Job

    New Job
    Beth started volunteering at the Council on Aging in Wellesley. She worked to drive old people to places they needed to go since they are unable to drive themselves.
  • Official Job

    Official Job
    Beth started actually working and getting paid for driving old people registered through the Council on Aging. She also went to lunches with the old people and did other things as well. She still works there today and loves it.