
Timeline #2

  • Cariboo Gold Rush

    Cariboo Gold Rush
    This gold rush started in the colony of British Columbia. This was around the time many miners from around Canada were looking for gold rushes, they thought it was an easy way to make quick money. Due to the immensity of the gold rush many families came to strike rich. Before the miners arrival there weren't many towns or cities so the miners created their own towns and villages which brought even more people to come see.
  • The colony "British Columbia" is created

    The colony "British Columbia" is created
    Because of the gold rush and lots of people coming into B.C, It was getting harder to control the government and the population. Thus the colony British Columbia was created to have much more control and power. They were able to accomplish many things and instate new laws and rules because of this.
  • First Prime MInister

    First Prime MInister
    The first ever prime minister of Canada was John A Macdonald. This was a important event because it signified the cooperation of all the provinces in Canada. This brought Canada together under one rule.
  • Treaty of Washington

    Treaty of Washington
    In 1871 The Treaty of Washington was signed by Canada allowing Americans to use and fish in the Canadian Canals and the St Laurence River. In exchange the Canadians were allowed to fish in Lake Michigan, the St Clair Flats Canal and Alaskan rivers. This further increased the relationship between Canada and America.
  • Prince Edward Island Joins the confederation

    Prince Edward Island Joins the confederation
    Although playing such a big role in the creation of Canada inthe Charlottetown Conference in 1864 Prince Edward Island did not join the confederation for another 9 years. This is because P.E.I didn't like the terms and conditions of joining.
  • Pacific Railway is completed

    Pacific Railway is completed
    This railway connected Eastern Canada to B.C. This was very important as it was promised to B.C upon entering the confederation. This connected the nation as a whole and made the nation feel closer together.
  • Alberta and Saskatchewan become Provinces

    Alberta and Saskatchewan become Provinces
    Alberta and Saskatchewan became the 8th and 9th provinces in Canada on July 20 1905. This is a significant event because this changed the economy. Instead of trading only fur it now included mining, logging and creation of the railway.
  • World War 1 Begining

    World War 1 Begining
    On August 4 1914 Canada joined the fight against Germany automatically in ww1 when the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. Since they were allies Canada had no choice but to help The UK but, they were allowed to choose how much they wanted to participate in the war.