Timeline 2

By Torion
  • Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky
    Noam Chomsky’s linguistic research in the 1950s aimed to understand the tools and means through which children acquire language. He proposed a system of principles and parameters that suggested a child’s innate understanding of syntax and semantics. Although controversial among linguists, Chomsky’s theorization revolutionized and reoriented academic approaches to language.
  • Nancy Cartwright

    Nancy Cartwright
    Nancy Cartwright is a professor of philosophy currently serving at University of California at San Diego and University of Durham. Some of her most notable contributions to philosophy include debates on laws of nature, causation and causal inference, scientific models in the natural and social sciences, objectivity and the unity of science. Professor Cartwright's work can be indicated by her emphasis on scientific methodology as opposed to scientific theories.
  • Helen Longino

    Helen Longino
    In her first book, Science as Social Knowledge (1990), Longino argued for the relevance of social values, or values which are part of the human context of science, to the justification of scientific knowledge as objective. In her contextual empiricism, she argues that observations and data of the sort taken by scientists are not by themselves evidence for or against any particular hypotheses.
  • Donna Haraway

    Donna Haraway
    Haraway is an American Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department and Feminist Studies Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her most notable work, Cyborg Manifesto (1986), defines the cyborg as "a creature in a post-gender world; it has no truck with bisexuality, pre-oedipal symbiosis, unalienated labour, or other seductions to organic wholeness through a final appropriation of all the powers of the parts into a higher unity.