Time Toast Assignment

  • Bulletin Board

    Bulletin Board
    Bulletin Board is a board where people can post things on. I.E public messages.
  • AOL Chat

    AOL Chat
    AOL allowed people to communicate over the internet.
  • Google is Registered

    Google is Registered
    Google.com is registered in 1997.
  • Napster

    Napster was created in 2001 which allowed people to listen and download music legally.
  • MySpace

    MySpace was the first social media website which allowed people to post, add friends and change relationship statuses.
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook allowed people to post pictures and videos, add their friends, and change relationship statuses.
  • YouTube

    YouTube was created to allow people to post and watch videos. Anywhere from funny cat videos to music videos.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created in 2006 which allowed people to post and follow people. Each post at the time was 140 characters now it is 280
  • Instagram

    Instagram is a social media platform that allows people to post pictures and videos.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat is a social media platform that allows people to send pictures or videos to people that they are friends with.
  • TikTok

    TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service. It is used to create short lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos.
  • Vine

    Vine was a short-form video hosting service where users shared six-second-long, looping video clips.