Time Line of Jim Carry

  • Jim Carrey's Birth

    Jim Carrey's Birth
    In 1962 Newmarket, Ontario, this Canadian actor was born
  • Jim Carrey's first Gig

    Jim Carrey's first Gig
    At the young age of 15 this Canadian boy went to Toronto to preform at a comedy club. Doing stand up comedy in his free time
  • Carrey's Debut on the big screen

    Carrey's Debut on the big screen
    Carrey was first entered into the big screen in 1984 with a movie called "Finders Keepers". Sending Carrey on the path to becoming a star
  • Jim Carrey "The Duck factory"

    Jim Carrey "The Duck factory"
    Carrey gained his first lead role in the short-lived TV series The Duck Factory, playing a young cartoonist. Later canceled within a few months
  • Carrey Finds success.

    Carrey Finds success.
    Carrey becomes famous with his movie that he stars in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • Goes on to make the world laugh by making great films

    Goes on to make the world laugh by making great films
    Carrey has stared in many a film to make us laugh for example The Mask (1994), Dumb and Dumber (1994), Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995), , The Cable Guy (1996) and Liar Liar (1997).