
Thomas Samuel Kuhn (18 July 1922 - 17 June 1996)

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    Paradigm Shift Explanation of what Thomas Kuhn coined the "paradigm shift".(mrgooldhistorybisj)
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    Kuhn Schooling

    Kuhn attended a progressive school in Manhattan, where he did not learn to read or write until the age of 7(Thomas Kuhn). In 6th-9th grade he learned that he loved mathematics(Thomas Kuhn). Later on he was accepted to Harvard University where he chose to major in Physics. He eventually graduated summa cum laude (with highest honor) in 1943 with a BS in Physics (Thomas Kuhn).
  • Thomas Samuel Kuhn Born 18 July 1922

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn Born 18 July 1922
    Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on the 18th day of July 1922. He had a younger brother by the name of Roger. His parents were both college graduates, his father was an industrial engineer and his mother a freelance editor (Thomas Kuhn).
  • Kuhn Achieves Masters Degree

    Kuhn graduates from Harvard with his Masters Degree in Physics 1946, and furthers on to get his PhD in 1949. His PhD thesis was on The Cohesive Energy of Monovalent Metals as a Function of the Atomic Quantum Defects. (Thomas Kuhn)
  • Kuhn writes The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    Kuhn writes The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Alexander Bird from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy claims that Kuhns book "is one of the most cited academic books of all time". Kuhn goes agains the acceptable norm of what the philosophy of science, "normal science", is and brings about the idea that science is not just strait forward based on experience and knowledge, but it is a cyclical pattern of these and revisiting ideas and understanding of the world change over time. This is where he coined the term "paradigm shift".
  • Incommensurability

    Kuhn brought his term "incommensurability" out in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but he spend many years after focusing specifically on incommensurably on its own. Bird writes that “this thesis was based on the comparison between theories will not be as straightforward as the standard empiricist picture would have it, since the standards of evaluation are themselves subject to change”, “theories are incommensurable when they share no common measure.”
  • Works Cited

    Bird, Alexander, "Thomas Kuhn", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = mrgooldhistorybisj. “Kuhn's Paradigm 4 Mins.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Dec. 2017, “Thomas Kuhn.” Famous Scientists,
  • Thomas Kuhn Dies 17 June 1996

    Thomas Kuhn Dies 17 June 1996
    Kuhn suffered from throat and lung cancer for years until his death on the 17th of June 1996 from that very sickness.