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Thomas Kuhn

  • Kuhn is born

    Kuhn was born and little did he know was going to change the very way that the world looks at science with the theory of scientific revolutions and keying the term paradigm shift.
  • Kuhn obtains degrees

    He was educated at Harvard university and obtained his bachelors in 1943 and continued at Harvard to achieve his masters in 1946 and he then continued his education to achieve his PhD in physics in 1949.
  • Kuhn’s controversy

    Kuhn’s theory was a major shift in the field of science because it challenged the ideas that we are not able to make rational theories because there are always alternate paradigms theories to disprove it.
  • The structure of a scientific revolution is published

    Kuhn wrote his book the structure of a scientific revolution. This book was a major event In history because it changed how we look at science and how we determine what givers the fields of science base rules and laws.