
Theater and World Events

  • 2600 BCE

    Ramessuem Drama Papyrus

    Ramessuem Drama Papyrus
    The Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus was written during the Middle Kingdom, Ikhernofret, whose stela contains his description of a festival play, lived under Senusret III and the Horus festival inscriptions in the Edfu temple are Ptolemaic. Moreover, that was rousing script for ancient egypt drama
    Info and Photo:https://www.google.com.eg/search?q=ramesseum+papyrus&client=safari&hl=en-eg&prmd=imvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ve
  • 2600 BCE

    Passion Plays

    Passion Plays
    Ikhernofret, whose stela contains his description of a festival play, lived under Senusret III and the Horus festival inscriptions in the Edfu temple are Ptolemaic..That writer, thought of the most religious plays in Egyptain history. These plays taught Egyptians about their gods and their kings. As a result, people became more aware of their religien and their after life.
    Info and Photo: http://www.theatrehistory.com/origins/ikhernefert.gif
  • 2000 BCE

    Capital changes in the World

    Capital changes in the World
    The centre of power in Egypt moves to the interior, with the capital at Thebes rather than Memphis. That would change the ancient global image of civilization was alternated.Furthermore, it affects culture arts as it will change theater and drama.
    Info and Photo:https://medium.com/@writingben/four-great-african-empires-that-astonished-the-world-fd374a79f89b
  • 340 BCE

    Roman Theater

    Roman Theater
    Roman theater was point were drama arts and acting was performed professionally in ancient times. Passion plays were used for religious matters, in addition it was for acknowledging others about religion.Just as ancient Egyptian passion plays.
  • 534

    City Dionysia festival.

    City Dionysia festival.
    The Greek theatre history began with festivals honoring their gods. A god, Dionysus, was honored with a festival called by "City Dionysia". In Athens, during this festival, men used to perform songs to welcome Dionysus. Plays were only presented at City Dionysia festival.
    Info and Photo:https://web.eecs.utk.edu/~mclennan/Classes/US210/images/Sat-play.gif
  • Jan 1, 1483

    The Bible is translated into English by John Wycliffe.

     The Bible is translated into English by John Wycliffe.
    The Bible is translated into English by John Wycliffe. That event allowed people to learn about their religion, simplified the biblical concepts for the understanding of every body. In addition that strengthened the belief of god and christianity in the world. Moreover, added the study of bible as an academia.
    Info & Photo: http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info/medieval-history/medieval-history-timeline.htm
  • Jan 1, 1510

    Mediaval Theater

    Mediaval Theater
    During middle ages, people were uneducated,access to bible and religion was complicated for poor people. Therefore plays were performed in to tell religious laws.Basically they were about churches.most famous examples of Medieval plays are the English cycle dramas, the York Mystery Plays, the Chester Mystery Plays, the Wakefield Mystery Plays and the N-Town Plays, as well as the morality play, Everyman..
    Info and Photo:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_theatre
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Oedipus" was thus turned into an English version.

    Oedipus" was thus turned into an English version.
    Tragedy began in the Renaissance only with the revival of classical learning, in a conscious attempt to recreate classical dramatic forms. Students at the universities, studying Greek and Latin classics, were presenting productions of the classical tragedies in their original languages, for audiences of other scholars. By about 1560 they were beginning to translate the classical originals into English aka Seneca's Latin
    Info and Photo:https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/36/182036-0
  • Dr Faustus

    Dr Faustus
    Dr Faustus is a medicine and physiology doctor, however he changes his career then works with black magic.He meets with Lucifer and Mephistophilis. both demons seduce him to commit the 7 deadly sins. Faustus then experiences the battle of good and evil inside him for his angels. Written by Christopher Merlowe
    Info and Photo: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTgwNzc2NTg0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjU0OTAxMzE@._V1_.jpg
  • Third Crusade

    Third Crusade
    Saladin manages to unite the Muslim world and recapture Jerusalem, sparking the Third Crusade and committing the well known arab victory. Moreover, he conquered and declared the unification of al arab states. In addition to his recognition of mercy and victory by the Europeans.
    Info and Photo:http:http://www.robinsonlibrary.com/history/asia/arab/graphics/saladin.jpg
  • Recreation of Olympic Games

    Recreation of Olympic Games
    In Athens Greece a five day hosted event was recreated. It was for people all around the world. In Honor of the ancient greek Olympic games. That event was hosted in the city of Olympia in the exact place, with the analagous activities played back then. Difference is respect for women and their presence.It was hosted in honor of Hercules who won the event and demanded to its occurnce each 4 years
    Info and Photo: www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ancient_greeks/the_olympic_games/