The War of Independence

  • First Treaty of Paris

    This ends the French and Indian war
  • Townshend Act

    The British Parliament pass this Act
  • Boston Masacre

    British Police fire bullets at rioters on the streets of Boston
  • Townshend Act Repealed

    The Townshend Act was repealed but the tax still remained on the tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonist dump tea overboard the harbor late at night.
  • Boston Port Act

    British Parliament shuts down the Boston Harbor
  • Lexington & Concord

    The battle of Lexington & Concord begin
  • George Washington

    The contienetial Army was formed the day before and George Washington was named Comander-in-cheif
  • Bunker Hill

    battle of Bunker Hill
  • Independent Nation

    France recognizes the Untied States as being Independent