The Russian Revolution

  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    Russian Armt officers led 3,000 soldiers in protest of Nicholas I taking over the throne after his brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succesion.
  • Emancipation of Russian Serfs

    Emancipation of Russian Serfs
    Alexander The Liberator passed 17 legislative acts that freed all of the serfs in Russia.
  • Nicholas II Becomes Czar

    Nicholas II Becomes Czar
    Nicholas II recieved absolute power after his father was assassinated. Nicholas II killed the people responsible for his fathers death.
  • Mensheviks-Bolsheviks Split Up

    Mensheviks-Bolsheviks Split Up
    Vladimir Lenin breaks up the Social Democratic Labor Party. This eventually led to the Bolsheviks leading a revolution against the Mensheviks.
  • Russo-Japanese War Begins

    Russo-Japanese War Begins
    Russia and Japan fought each other in the "first great war of the 20th century" over territory in Korea.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Unarmed protesters were fired upon as they marched toward the Winter Palace in protest of Nicholas II.
  • Revolution of 1905 Begins

    Revolution of 1905 Begins
    Bloody Sunday sparked this Revolution. It included worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies. It led to the creation of a Russian Constitution.
  • Russo Japanese War Ends

    Russo Japanese War Ends
    War against Japan ends.
  • Revolution of 1905 Ends

    Revolution of 1905 Ends
    The Revolution ends.
  • Russia Becomes Involved In World War One

    Russia Becomes Involved In World War One
    Russia was allies with Britain, France, and America against Germany and Austria-Hungary. After France and Britain joined, Russia also joined because it had made a treaty with France and Britain.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicating the Throne

    Czar Nicholas II Abdicating the Throne
    After the February Revolution, Nicholas chose to give up the throne.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Workers went on strike demanding more money, Nicholas said the riots were to be put down by March 10th, and on March 10th police tried to carry out Nicholas's orders, but most of them just joined the protestors. On March 11th, The Duma disobeyed Nicholas II by creating the provisional government to take the place of the tsar, and is usually considered the first act of the Russian Revolution
  • Alexander Kerensky Takes Over Provisional Government

    Alexander Kerensky Takes Over Provisional Government
    Alexander succeeded Prince Lvov.
  • Capture of the Winter Palace

    Capture of the Winter Palace
    The Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace that was being defended by some Cossacks, Cadets, and 137 female soldiers from the Women's Battalion. The Bolsheviks commandeered food and supplies, and ships fired on the Winter Palace from the Neva river. The Bolsheviks gained access to the building through the main staircase. After they had control of the building, the Bolsheviks violently searched every room and arrested every member of the Provisional Government.
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    The Bolshevik Red Army Fought the loosly allied White Army for control of Russia.
  • Nicholas II Killed

    Nicholas II Killed
    Nicholas and his family are shot in the basement of his home when they are gathered together to what they think is their picture taken.
  • Vladimir Lenin Dies and Josef Stalin Takes Over

    Vladimir Lenin Dies and Josef Stalin Takes Over
    Lenin died after suffering two strokes, and Josef Stalin became the leader of the Soviet Union. Lenin did not want Stalin as the next leader, because he felt that he was too brutal. That turned out to be true, as Stalin created a totalitarian government and people suffered under his rule.