The Phenomenal Paul Feyerabend

  • The Philosopher of Science Paul Feyerabend (b.1924 - d.1994)

    Paul Feyerabend was born in Austria on January 13, 1924, and died on February 11, 1994.
  • The Controversial Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)

    His book, "Against Method" was published in 1975, and is considered one of the most significant and influential works in the philosophy of science. In his controversial book, Feyerabend argued for "epistemological anarchism," and promoted "anything goes" in science. He directly challenged the idea of a universal scientific method.
  • The Adventurous Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)

    In 1978 he wrote his book, "Science in a Free Society,” in which he covered the social and political implications of scientific knowledge and practices. Additionally, he critiqued scientific imperialism, which he defined as the tendency of scientists to assert their authority over other domains of knowledge and to dismiss alternative ways of knowing.
  • The Wild Man Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)

    In 1987, he wrote his provocative book, "Farewell to Reason," a clever collection of his essays and lectures, and edited by Matthias Meister. Feyerabend offered a critique of the Enlightenment conception of reason as a universal and objective standard for evaluating knowledge claims. Moreover, Paul Feyerabend advocated for a more pluralistic and tolerant approach to knowledge production, one that recognized the limitations of reason and embraced the concept of diversity.
  • Man of the Philosophy of Science Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)

    In 1995 Paul Feyerabend’s autobiography, "Killing Time," was posthumously published. It provided readers with an intimate look into Paul Feyerabend's remarkable personal life, upbringing, and intellectual journey. In his book, he sheds light on concepts such as scientific methodology, epistemological anarchism, and the significance of science in society - all the major issues that caused others to view him as phenomenal, controversial, a wild man, and adventurous.