The Origins of Life (Milions of years ago)

By Pavel13
  • 4500 BCE

    Earth's Formation

    Earth's Formation
    The Earth was formed as part of the birth of the solar system; what later became the solar system initially existed as a large cloud of rocks, rocks and gases in rotation. It was composed of hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang, as well as of chemical elements expelled by the explosions of supernovae. With time it was formed until it is now.
  • 4000 BCE

    The first Organic Molecules

    The first Organic Molecules
    The origin of life in biology is the way and the era in which life originated. This is a controversial topic and has philosophical and theological implications; It is difficult to establish the specific mechanisms due to indirect analysis.
    Among the scientific community, the theory that life evolved from inert matter at some point now seems to be well established between 3,900 and 3,500 million years before nowadays.
  • 3500 BCE

    Life appears (Prokaryotic Cells)

    Life appears (Prokaryotic Cells)
    The first cells that populated the Earth, already 3,500 million years ago, were prokaryotic cells (archeobacteria), that is to say, that they did not have internal nucleus separated by a membrane that collects the information of the DNA, and were probably heterotrophs that obtained the energy of the fermentation of the organic molecules present in the primitive ocean.
  • 1800 BCE

    Oxygen in the air

    Oxygen in the air
    It is assumed that oxygen in the atmosphere has a photosynthetic origin. In the primitive atmosphere there was no oxygen, and the first photosynthesizers generated it. But there are no anaerobic photosynthesizing organisms, since both plants and algae and cyanobacteria breathe with oxygen. So, what type of organism is supposed to be the one that began to photosynthesize, but did not have oxygen to breathe? It is not certain that anaerobic photosynthetic organisms exist.
  • 1400 BCE

    First Eukaryotic Cells

    First Eukaryotic Cells
    Prokaryotic cells were the main characters of terrestrial life for 2,000 million years and had time to improve their metabolism. But 1,400 million years ago the first eukaryotic cell appeared, that is, a cell that has a nucleus with its genetic information. For the appearance of this first eukaryotic cell, the appearance of a plasma membrane that independized DNA was necessary.
  • 600 BCE

    Multicelullular Organisms (Cambriam life's explosion)

    Multicelullular Organisms (Cambriam life's explosion)
    Multicelular organisms are organisms that consist of more than one cell, in contrast to unicellular organisms
  • 500 BCE

    First Vertebrates

    First Vertebrates
    The first vertebrates appeared inside the water with forms that have simmilarities with the actual fishes. They were very simple , far form what the vertebrates are now.
  • 200 BCE

    Dinosaurs and Mammals coexist

    Dinosaurs and Mammals coexist
    Dinosaurs and mamals coexist 200 milions years ago, and this date is so important because means the coexistence of prehistoric animals, with the primitive forms of the animals that we have nowadays.
  • 65 BCE

    Primates appeared

    Primates appeared
    They are an oreder of mamals that had habitate the earth since 65 milions years before now. Humans are part of primates, and the most similar specie with us is the chimpanze.
  • 65 BCE

    Dinosaurs Extinction

    Dinosaurs Extinction
    It was a very important succes in history. There's several theories about how they extinct, but the most popular one, is that a meteorite impact on the earth surface and as a consequence of that, all dinosaurs get extinct, the mamals could survive because they didn't need the much energy that the dinosaurs need.
  • 2 BCE

    Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    The real date is 1,8 mil·lions years ago, and this specie was the first that could walk cammed. It was the specie that goes just after the Homo Habilis, and it's the predecessor of the Homo Neandertalis.
  • Nowadays