The Middle Ages

  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    The fall of Rome marked the end of one of the greatest empires, until today, to have benn on the earth. The period after Rome fell became know as the dark ages, where many were in srtife and had little or no idea as to what they were going to do about it.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300

    The Middle ages

  • 500

    Clovis takes over France and Belgium

    Clovis succsefully takes over France and Belgium. Then he converts them to catholic christianity. He starts his own dynasty, the Merovingain dynasty in whic he passed on to his sons who then began fighting over more territory.
  • 507

    The Battle of Vouille

    The Battle of Vouille
    This is where the visigoths, lead by Atlaric ll, are defeted the Franks under Clovis. This defeat caused the Visigoths the mve farther into Spain