The Life Of Tymere Bates Age 12(My Life)

  • I was born

    I was born
  • My first hero

    My first hero
    He was my faveroit and always will be
  • 9/11

    This was a sad moment when a bunch of pissed off people
    Al-queda or Iraq or somewhere destoryed the twin towers.
  • MY first vacation

    MY first vacation
    It's not just my first vaction it's also my favoite place to go.
  • My first day at school

    My first day at school
    My first school was pretty fun.Until my mom strated working there.
  • When I came to ICS

    When I came to ICS
    I met new alot of new people and had new teachers.
  • Presdent Obama

    Presdent Obama
    He became the first African American President in the whole United Sates of American history
  • My first game I saw.

    My first game I saw.