The Life of John Dalton

  • Period: to

    A Few Facts

    -considered to be the father of modern atomic theory
    -he's especially known meteorological weather forecaster
    -also made a study on color-blindness
    -he suffered from color-blindness
    -he refused to accept his fame and chose to have a simple and humble life
    -he was born in Cumberland, England
    -he and his family were Quakers
  • The Life of John Dalton

    By: Alyssa Acosta, Demetreal Green, Joseph Monarez, Martin Resendiz Due: August 21, 2017
  • Birth

    He was born in Cumberland, England to Joseph Dalton and Deborah Greenup.
  • Quaker school

    Quaker school
    His brother Jonathan and him ran a Quaker School in Kenda, Cumbria.
  • Teacher of Mathematics

    Teacher of Mathematics
    He became a teacher of mathematics and natural philosophy at a nearby college in Manchester.
  • Authoring his first paper.

    Authoring his first paper.
    He wrote a paper titled 'Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colors.'
  • Member

    Elected as a member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.
  • Experimental Essays

    Experimental Essays
    He gave a presentation and it dealt with information on his experiments with gasses and the study of the nature and chemical makeup of air in relation to atmospheric pressures.
  • 2 of the Many Theories

    2 of the Many Theories
    Formulated a theory on thermal expansion and heating and cooling reaction of gasses.
  • Dalton's Law

    In 1801 he discovered Dalton's Law.
  • Dalton's Law Cont'd

    Dalton's Law Cont'd
    He conducted experiments on the pressure of mixture of gasses and was soon known as the Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure.
  • Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society

    Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society
    He authored an article for the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. It included a chart on atomic weights.
  • A New System of Chemical Philosophy

    A New System of Chemical Philosophy
    In his book he discusses atom theory, atomic weight, and he introduced the concept of how different elements can be distinguished based on their atomic weights.
  • President

    He was elected President of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.
  • Where the Sicknesses Start

    Where the Sicknesses Start
    He suffered his first stroke.
  • Here We Go Again

    Here We Go Again
    He suffers another stroke that left him with a speech impediment.
  • Death

    At his third stroke he fell from his bed and passed away.