The Life of Gabe Cacho

By gabcac1
  • The day I was born.

    The day I was born.
    The day I entered this beautiful world. I was born in Davao, Phillipines. I was 3 months old when I moved here with my family to the U.S.
  • Playing on the Jr. Vikings football team for the first time.

    Playing on the Jr. Vikings football team for the first time.
    I played for Niles North Jr. Vikings football team.
  • Joined the freashman Football team at Niles North.

    Joined the freashman Football team at Niles North.
    I joined the freashman football team at Niles North.
  • First day of highschool.

    First day of highschool.
    First day of freashman year...I gotta say was it was pretty frightening.
  • My first job.

    My first job.
    I got my first job at a resturant called M. Henry. I was a busboy there for a little over a year, and after awhile i took the time from working to focus on school.
  • I am Involed in Chinese Clun here at Niles North

    I am Involed in Chinese Clun here at Niles North
    I am a member of Chinese Club. IN our club we do various things like play games, think of fundraising ideas, etc.
  • Goals for HIghschool

    Goals for HIghschool
    My goals for the rest of my highschool year is to not get lazy. Also i want to keep pushing my self to get better grades and not just learn something for a test or quiz but to learn something the i can actually remember in the future.
  • My future.

    My future.
    I plan to go to Oakton Community College for 2 years then hopefully transfer into U.I.C. 4 year nursing program. From there i plan to get my Certified Nursing assistant license and hopefully get a job at a local hospital as a C.N.A. In the meantime i plan for finishing up my 4 year nursing program the get my bachlers. After that i would like to land a job as either a E.R. nurse practioner or a ped. nurse practioner.
  • 5 Years Later...

    5 Years Later...
    5 years from now, i would still be in school to be a nurse practioner. However by then i would have already gotten my R.N. I would be most likley working at a hospital as an E.R. nurse. The amount of income i would be recieving is somewhere around 70 thousand a year for starting. I will most probably be living in wilmette in Illinois. I will forsure be owning a car, because something about me is the I am a car fanatic. I will want to have a Subaru Wrx Sti.
  • 10 Years Later...

    10 Years Later...
    10 years from now i will have a stable job as a nurse practitioner in the E.R. or the Peds. dept. I will be making around 100 grand a year. I will most likely still be living in Illinois but have second thoughts of moving to California. I will be living in illinois because of all the seasons. I will be owning a house, a house of my dreams infact. I will be married to the beautiful women that i am with right now.