The Kite Runner Time-Line

  • Amir is Born

    His Mother dies when giving birth to him.
  • Amir is Born

    His Mother dies whilst giving birth to him.
  • Hassan is Born

    His Mother (Sanuabar), runs away with a dancing troupe shortly after he is born.
  • Amir writes his first story.

    Amir plays a trick on Hassan, and tells him his own story. Hassan loves it, clapping once Amir finishes. Later that night, he writes his own story and shows Baba and Rahim Kahn. Baba is not interested; however, Rahim Kahn loves it, writing a letter that encourages Amir to keep writing.
  • Afghanistan changes forever

    The bloodless overthrow of King Mohammed Zahir Shah by his cousin Daoud Khan on 17 July 1973. This resulted in the monarchy becoming a thing of the past, ending the king's forty-year reign.
  • Amir and Hassan's 'first' encounter with Assef.

    Assef is introduced, highlighting his sociopathic tendencies through his admiration of Hitler and Nazi ideology. Assef attempts to attack Amir, but Hassan protects with a slingshot. Assef states, "this doesn't end today, believe me", foreshadowing future events.
  • Hassan's Birthday

    Baba pays for surgery to fix Hassan's cleft-lip, as a Birthday Present. Amir is jealous, as he doesn't understand what Hassan had done to earn Baba's affection.
  • Hassan is Raped by Assef

    Amir and Hassan win the Kite flying tournament. Hassan is raped for not giving up the Blue-kite he ran for Amir. Punished for his loyalty. Amir watches it unfold, but doesn't act.
  • Amir's thirteenth Birthday party

    Amir and Hassan are still not speaking, the events of the tournament have created a divide between them. Assef arrives during Amir's party, and acts politely as he jokes with Baba. He tells Amir that he chose the gift himself. Amir cannot hide his discomfort, embarrassing Baba and forcing him to apologize. Once Amir is alone he opens the gift, a biography of Hitler, which he throws away.
  • Ali and Hassan leave

    The day after his birthday, Amir plants his birthday and Baba's watch underneath Hassan's pillow. Baba asks if Hassan did this, in which he says, "yes". Much to Amir's surprise. Baba forgives them. However, Ali says they must leave, as it isn't safe for them there anymore. Indicating that Hassan had told him what happened. They leave, and Baba is seen crying for the 'first-time'.
  • Russians Invade Afghanistan

    The Russian's occpuation, has forced Amir and Baba to leave; as it is no longer safe, for them to live there.
  • Baba and Amir arrive in Fremont, California

    Amir and Baba begin living in America. Amir assimilates easily, but Baba struggles to adapt to the United States way of living.
  • Amir Graduates High School, at 20

    He enrolls in College, and tells Baba that he is going to major in Creative writing. Baba is not impressed, worrying about how Amir will earn money and support his future wife.
  • Amir meets Soraya, and Baba is diagnosed with Lung Cancer

    Amir and Baba begin working in the flea-market, where Amir meets Soraya. Baba refuses to have treatment for his cancer.
  • Amir and Sorya's wedding, and Baba's death

    Amir and Soraya get married within months of knowing each other, this is due to Baba's worsening condition. Baba dies one month after the wedding.
  • Amir and Sorya are unable to have children

    This creates a divide within their relationship, and an emptiness between them
  • Amir receives a call from Rahim Kahn

    Amir is rang by Rahim Kahn, who is seriously ill, and tells him to come to Pakistan.