The IB Future Projections

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    1968- IB is founded

    IB is founded with only 7 schools and 7 programs.
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    2005 - Community in Action

    Aga Khan Academies adopt the Diploma Program. This opened up the program into the developing world.
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    2012- Equipping students with the skills to succeed.

    The career- related program is launched, offering a new framework of skills based learning for students aged 16 - 19.
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    2022- The educational needs of developing countries.

    Teams of researches will be sent out to developing countries to assess the educational needs of the people in those countries. Once this data has been captured, the teams can plan fundraising events in order to raise money to fund the implementation of the IB program in the schools.
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    2030- 2050: The implementation of the IB program in developing countries.

    During this time, there will be a group of researchers and fundraisers who will continue doing the research and raising the money. The first few pilot schools will have the IB program running already. These schools will have the equipment, resources and teachers all provided for by the money raised by the select groups.
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    2050- A fully functioning collaboration

    During this stage, there will be many people who have received their full education through the IB program and they will therefore be able to continue with fundraising efforts and managerial roles in order to ensure that the IB program can be accessible to the less developed countries throughout time. These people will also contribute to the development and success of the countries through the careers that they choose.