
The Holocaust

  • Adolf Hitler is Appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is Appointed Chancellor
    Under the Weimar Constitution, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by Paul von Hindenburg in order to unify Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler Establishes the Third Reich

    Adolf Hitler Establishes the Third Reich
    Hitler created the Nazi Regime, known as the Third Reich, to make a German "master race" which would dominate Europe. He formed a secret police known as the Gestapo to stop anyone who opposed his rule. Hitler used his regime to control German life from education to religion and discriminate against Jewish people.
  • The Enabling Act is Passed

    The Enabling Act is Passed
    Adolf Hitler intimidated Germany into passing The Enabling ACT, which gave the Reich control of Germany. With the passing of this ACT, the Reich government was able to ratify any law without the consent of Germany's Parliament. This lead to Nazi ideology spreading across German society.
  • Economic Boycott Against Jews

    Economic Boycott Against Jews
    The Nazi Leadership established a boycott on Jewish businesses and practices. Nazi members stood outside of Jewish department stores and doctor/lawyer offices to intimidate people. Yellow and black Stars of David were painted on storefronts along with anti-semitic slogans. Some acts of violence against Jews took place as well.
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes Fuhrer of the German People

    Adolf Hitler Becomes Fuhrer of the German People
    After the President of Germany (Paul von Hindenburg) dies, Hitler abolishes the presidency and declares himself as Fuhrer of Germany. All civil workers and military members had now sworn an oath to Hitler.
  • The Nuremberg Race Laws Are Passed

    The Nuremberg Race Laws Are Passed
    Adolf Hitler passed The Nuremberg Race Laws: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor. The Reich Citizenship Law allowed for only people with "German or kindred blood" to become German Citizens (according to the Nazi's, anyone with three or more Jewish Grandparents were Jews.) The Law for the Protection of German blood and honor banned marriage between non-Jewish Germans and Jews. Both of these laws gradually led to Germany becoming a dictatorship.
  • The Annexation of Austria

    The Annexation of Austria
    Adolf Hitler decided to annex Austria to Germany, so around 36,000 Jews fled Austria and Germany to find safety. Although they tried to get into other countries, they were declared refugees and many were sent back and killed in the Holocaust.
  • The "Night of Broken Glass"

    The "Night of Broken Glass"
    The Nazi Party carried out a wave of crime with Hitler's support. Jewish cemeteries, synagogues, homes, and storefronts were destroyed. The next day, around 30,000 Jewish German men were arrested just for being Jewish.