
The History of Social Media--Bianca Rhoads

  • AOL

    AOL- Formally known as American Online is a web portal and online service provider based in New York City.
  • Sixdegrees

    Sixdegrees is the first of social media platforms launched in 1997. It had about a million members when it peaked. it was called six degrees named after the six degrees of separation theory. It lasted until 2001
  • Google.com

    The Google company was officially launched in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to market Google Search, which is now the largest internet search engine. Students at U of C in California developed a search algorithm first called "back rub"
  • Linkedin

    A business and employment platform that helps employers find employees and vice versa it was founded in 2002 but launched in 2003 and has plenty of people gain employment.
  • Facebook

    Facebook started on the Harvard Campus in 2004 and spread to many schools in 2008. It was a way for college students to connect and eventually opened up to the public in 2009
  • Myspace

    Launched in 2004 and became one of the most famous social media sites by 2006. It was a place where people could express themselves and customize there profile and add there favorite songs to their profiles.
  • YELP

    A local search search provider that helps people learn about a business like a restaurant or nail salon. People can write reviews and rate business on the platform. Can be used in different cities and states
  • YouTube.com

    A video broadcasting site where people can upload content for people can enjoy. Now people use it to entertain and teach people how to do things.
  • Twitter

    Twitter originally designed as mobile SMS-platform. It has upgraded since then and now has over 300 million active users monthly.
  • Instagram

    A visual platform used to connect with people all over the world. You can upload pictures and videos. Stream Live videos and also create insta-stories. It is a good platform to promote your business,
  • Snapchat

  • VSCO

    The VSCO app allows users to capture photos in the app and edit them, in part through the use of its filters. Users can publish their photography through a journal for the public to see.