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The History of Computers

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    History of Computers Timeline

  • John Napier

    John Napier
    In 1614, a Scottish mathematician named John Napier invented a set of rods, which have become known as "Napier's Bones," that could be used to perform complex calculations.
  • Joseph-Maire Jacquard

    Joseph-Maire Jacquard
    Jacquard developed a weaving loom that used punched cards to replicate designs. The introduction of the punched card was a revolutionary step toward computer input.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    The first machine that approximated the idea of a computer, that is, input-execution-output, was conceived by Charles Babbage.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    A punched card calculator was created to count the US Census.
  • Electronic Tube/1st Generation

    Electronic Tube/1st Generation
    Lee De Forest invented the electronic tube. This invention is considered one of the three technological advances that are key to the development of the computer industry.
  • Machines to break German codes

    Machines to break German codes
    electronic machines were developed for the purpose of breaking German encryption codes
  • 1st programmed controlled caculator

    1st programmed controlled caculator
    A computer developed at Harvard University by Howard H.Aiken was the first programmed controlled calculator
  • Colossus computer

    Colossus computer
    A computer called colossus was completed in Great Britain
  • Transister

    In 1947 with the development of the transistor The Transistor was developed at bell Laboratories engineers William B.Shockley,Walter H. Brattain and John bardeen
  • Micro Computer Simon

    Micro Computer Simon
    The Berkley company offered plans to build a microcomputer called Simon.
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    Computing was changed forever by the invention of the integrated circuit.This led to the introduction of the modern computer "chip" which contains the equivalent power of millions of transistors.
  • Fourth Generation Computer

    Fourth Generation Computer
    Computers built in 1970 through the present are known as fourth generation computers they share many similarities in their design though they vary widely in their complexity and power.
  • Intel 4004

    Intel 4004
    The first microprocessor to fuel the personal computer phenomenon.
  • Scelbi's Computer Kit

    Scelbi's Computer Kit
    The Scelbi Company offered a computer kit using the Xerox 8008 chip for $565.
  • The Cray 1

    The Cray 1
    The Cray 1 was the first supercomputer which was available for purchase. The Cray 1 could do an amazing 150 million calculations per second. Today's supercomputers are more than a thousand times faster.
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    Steve Wozniak and a friend, Steve Jobs, completed work on a circuit board for a new microcomputer. They built a housing which included a keyboard for input.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple II was even faster and more powerful than Apple 1. It was the first personal computer to absolutely run away in popularity.
  • Intel Microprocessor

    Intel Microprocessor
    Intel introduces the 8086 microprocessor. This was a true 16-bit microprocessor, involving the computing power of 29,000 transistors.
  • Microsoft

    IBM asks Microsoft to write an operating system for their new personal computer. Instead of selling it to IBM they licensed it to their users for a fee. Microsoft has become the giant in the field of software development. With "Word" and "Excel". Then they built the most successful GUI to date, which is known as Windows. The Windows program has been rewritten and developed several times as computer technologies for the PC have advanced.