
The Great "Grand" War

  • The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce
    “The Christmas Truce,” it was in the muddy trenches when the British heard singing coming from the other side. They would sing back to hear the Germans telling them to come over and the British saying they come halfway and they’ll go halfway. Nervously both sides stood over the trench into no man’s land, both sides started to share carols, drinks, cigarettes, and wine. Some say that some of the unofficial truces remained for days.
  • The Louisiana

    The Louisiana
    “Louisiana,” a British boat was carrying passengers from New York to Liverpool, England, was shot and sank by a German U-boat. More than 1,100 passengers perished that day including 128 Americans. The sinking of Louisiana played a major part in putting the United States into WW1. The ship secretly had more than 170 tons of war ammunition for British guns.
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    Declaration of War

    The United States declares war on Germany. After being pressured and being called a coward Wilson began to start the declaration. President Wilson went to congress to ask for a declaration of war. After, Wilson had the House of Representatives vote for war.
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    Harold W. Riley the Veteran

    Harold was on “The Chicago,” a ship and many of the excited young lads not expecting for the future. He had been signed into the Ambulance Corps where he would be at the front line retrieving injured people to put in hospitals. He was allowed the honor of joining the 25 French Division, which he had days where they had no sleep for 48 hours and the only thing to keep them moving was run.
  • Harold W. Riley the Veteran

    Harold W. Riley the Veteran
    Harold W. Riley was released from the French Army and swarm into the United States Army as a Cadet in the AirCorps. Harold Riley was assigned to the 24th Aero Squadron. The rank of being a Cadet was not a good time because of how poorly they were treated, they sometimes were not enlisted as men or officers.
  • The Battle of Amiens

    The Battle of Amiens
    “The Battle of Amiens,” was a battle won by the allies that led to the end of the war. It was only a couple of days but with 75,000 men, 2,000 planes, and more than 500 tanks. They managed to fight through 8 miles in just one day, causing the leaders to see that winning was not possible. This war forced the German leaders to say the war must be ended.
  • Harold W. Riley the Veteran

    Harold W. Riley the Veteran
    Riley was told he was going for a scouting mission to see if they needed artillery to advance and attack. They finished making the report when they saw 4 German planes coming at them. They were shot down and one of the soldiers were badly injured. Soon many heads started to show all around them.
  • Harold W. Riley the Veteran

    Harold W. Riley the Veteran
    Harold was invited to a New years day dinner and gladly accepted. He had gone and seen delicious food he had not seen in a long time and was excited to eat.
  • Harold W. Riley the Veteran

    Harold W. Riley the Veteran
    Riley had finally been discharged and became a free man again. He got on the train heading out of New York City, he had sat on the cushion sat and felt so comfortable.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    “The Treaty of Versailles,” was signed at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. Every Country involved with the war was there except for Germany. All the countries wanted different things that no one else would want. In the end, they had harsh terms for Germany, forcing them into giving away 10 percent of their land and limiting their army and navy. They forcefully made Germany sign this treaty.