The Great Depression

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Herbet Hoover became president
  • The stock market would not return to its pre-crash high for the next 25 years.

    The stock market would not return to its pre-crash high for the next 25 years.
  • On Black Monday, stocks prices fell 13 percent.

    On Black Monday, stocks prices fell 13 percent.
  • The stock market hit bottom and began trading sideways.

    The stock market hit bottom and began trading sideways.
  • Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.

    Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.
  • Hoover created the Department of Veterans.

    Hoover created the Department of Veterans.
  • Food riots broke out in Minneapolis.

    Food riots broke out in Minneapolis.
  • Hoover signed the Revenue Act of 1932.

    Hoover signed the Revenue Act of 1932.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office.

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office.
  • He ordered everyone to exchange private gold for dollars.

    He ordered everyone to exchange private gold for dollars.
  • Unemployment rose to a record 24.9 percent.

    Unemployment rose to a record 24.9 percent.
  • Black Sunday was the worst dust storm ever.

    Black Sunday was the worst dust storm ever.
  • The hottest summer on record began.

    The hottest summer on record began.
  • Franklin Roosevelt launched a third New Deal.

    Franklin Roosevelt launched a third New Deal.
  • The economy started to grow again.

    The economy started to grow again.
  • The Great Depression was over.

    The Great Depression was over.
  • Hitler invaded Poland, starting World War II.

    Hitler invaded Poland, starting World War II.
  • Congress reinstated the military draft.

    Congress reinstated the military draft.
  • The United States sent war supplies to England.

    The United States sent war supplies to England.
  • Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor Navy base.

    Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor Navy base.