The Great Depression

By kmolton
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    Major crash of stock market that began Great Depression
  • Hoover Election

    Hoover Election
    Herbert Clark Hoover elected president
  • Bank Failure

    Bank Failure
    In the last 60 days of 1930, 600 banks closed nationwide
  • Bank of the United States

    Bank of the United States
    The fourth largest bank in the United States failed
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    Congress created this to lend 2 billion dollars to prevent further failures
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    Worst dust storm ever that caused Roosevelt to pass Soil Conservation Act
  • Roosevelt Election

    Roosevelt Election
    Roosevelt was elected president
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    FDR closed all US Banks
  • Share Our Wealth Society

    Share Our Wealth Society
    Created by Huey Long to "preserve all our gains, share them among our population, guarantee a greater country and a happy people"
  • National Union For Social Justice

    National Union For Social Justice
    Challenge Roosevelt's New Deal and fought for social justice
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    Created to hire millions of people to fight unemployment
  • Beginning of WW2

    Beginning of WW2
    Hitler invades Poland and begins WW2