The revoulution

The French Revoluton

  • Causes of the Revolution

    Causes of the Revolution
    There were three major causes of the Revolution. France was going through some hard times with have money they were going bankrupt. France also had terrible leaders (King Loius 16th). Lastly France was have bad harvest making everything more expensive. No one had any money.(class notes)
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The third estate the poorest people in france want to be treated equal and with out a king in power. This started one of the most bloody revoultions of all time.(The French Revoultion)
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The 3rd estate was getting outvoted on everything during the meeting of the estates. So they left and decided to form there own parliment called the National Assembly. They vowled to truly represent the French people.(class notes)
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This Oath was formed when the National Assembly said they wouild never stop meeting untill they got there rights. When they formed this Oath they were on a tennis court.(class notes)
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    Enorder to start and accomplish the revolution the 3rd estate needed weapons and gun powder which was held in the Bastille.The raid was succesfully. The city was now in the hands of the revolutionaires.(class notes)
  • D.R.M

    Declaration of Rights of Man. The D.R.M was a document that took power away from the king and gave it to the 3rd estate for franch people. This gave them more power.(class notes)
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    Thousands of women marched 12 miles to the versailles. They attacked the king wanting food and for him to sign the D.R.M. The king did so and was taken hostage.(class notes)
  • The Great Escape

    The Great Escape
    The revolution has been going on for 2 years now. The royal family was under house arrest in Paris. The king was sign all his power away so he tried to esacpe to Austria but did not make it.(class notes)
  • Death of King Loius 16

    Death of King Loius 16
    The revolutionaires knew that in order to pull of the revolt they need to dispose of the king. So on January 21 1793 King Loius 16th was beheaded.(class notes)
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    This was a Committee that was made up from 9 members of the National Aasembly. The Committe was the administrative body of the french people.(
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Austrian and Prussion army got withen 30 miles of paris. in order to keep them out the National Assembly stared killing those who opsed the revolution. 40000 people died at the gaillotine. The Reign ended with Maximillien Robespierre being sent to gaillotine himself.(class notes)
  • Marie Antoinette's Death

    Marie Antoinette's Death
    During the Reign of Terror Marie was tried and executed at the gaillotine. After this happended Austria went to war with France.(class notes)
  • Napoleon becomes leader of French army

    Napoleon becomes leader of French army
    Since Robespierre was the dictator they need to a new leader of the French army. Napoleon Became that leader and took control in italy.(
  • Robespierre Becomes Dictator

    Robespierre Becomes Dictator
    Robespierre has over thrown all the power in Paris France. With the king disposed of Robespierre became the dictator.(www.history,com
  • Result of Revolution

    Result of Revolution
    As a result Austria,Prussia,Spain,Portugal,Britian,and Dutch Republic delared war on France. If France lost the revolution would be crushed and everything would have been for no reason.(class notes)
  • Robespierre is killed

    Robespierre is killed
    Maximilien had power for so little time. By the end of the Reign of terror Maximilien was tried for his killings and was executed for them ending all the killlings in France.(class notes)
  • Napolean became dictator

    Napolean became dictator
    With Robespierre execution France need a new leader. They went with the leader of the army Napoleaon the dictator of France.(