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The French Revolution: Significant Events

  • Economic Troubles

    Economic Troubles
    There were many difficulties regarding economic efficiency during the French Revolution. The prosperous economy was in decline. This caused panic​ to the social classes and economical classes during the time. The reason why I chose this point is that during our time there is still an economic issue.
  • A Weak Leader

    A Weak Leader
    During the French Revolution, they had weak leadership. One of the leaders had left things to ​drift off without doing anything about it, which in the end made matters worse for everyone during that time-span. The reason why I chose this as a piece of evidence is that​ weak leaders are a huge deal in today's society.
  • Loss of Food

    Loss of Food
    Those who were of the lower classes had to pay taxes for food, water and such. Those of the richer classes like the king were very rude and ate in front of the lower classes like dining was their entire life. The reason why I think this is an important reason is that​ food was a huge problem during the French Revolution.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The National Assembly was a huge thing during the French Revolution. The Third Estate delegates, mostly members of the bourgeoisie whose views had been shaped by the Enlightenment, were eager to make changes in the government. The reason why I chose this piece​ of evidence is that you have a voice and you should be able to be heard no matter what your thoughts or opinions are.
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    Many women were raging over one piece of bread, they would kill and murder. Soon they blamed this on the king and queen of the palace. The reason why I chose this piece of evidence is that​ I feel as everyone should have what they need to survive.
  • Louis Tries to Escape

    Louis Tries to Escape
    As the National Assembly restructured the relationship between church and state, Louis XVI pondered his fate as a monarch. Some of his advisers warned him that he and his family were in danger. The reason why I chose this piece of evidence is that​ someone running away from their home is a huge deal in today's society.
  • A Limited Monarchy

    A Limited Monarchy
    In September 1791, the National Assembly completed the new constitution, which Louis reluctantly approved. The constitution created a limited constitutional monarchy. The reason why I chose this piece of evidence is that​ having a limited monarchy is fairly rare nowadays.
  • Factions Split France

    Factions Split France
    Despite the new government, old problems, such as food shortages and government debt, remained. The question of how to handle these problems caused the Legislative Assembly to split into three general groups, each of which sat in a different part of the meeting hall. The reason why I personally chose this piece of evidence​ is that we usually don't really see governments split up into groups.
  • France at War

    France at War
    The war began badly for the French. By the summer of 1792, Prussian forces were advancing on Paris. The Prussian commander threatened to destroy Paris if the revolutionaries harmed any member of the royal family. This enraged the Parisians About 20,000 men and women invaded the Tuileries. The mob massacred the royal guards and imprisoned Louis, Marie, and their children. The reason why I chose this​ piece of evidence is that wars are a gigantic thing during this time.
  • End of the Terror

    End of the Terror
    In July 1794, fearing for their own safety, some members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre. They demanded his arrest and execution. The Reign of Terror, the radical phase of the French Revolution, ended on July 28, 1794, when Robespierre went to the guillotine. The reason why I chose this piece of evidence is that​ this is a huge step for everyone in the French Revolution.