The French Revolution

  • STAGE 1

  • Day of the Tiles

    Riot in Grenoble, France in response to the attempts to abolish the Parliaments to enact a new tax
  • Royal Treasury is declared empty

  • Call of the Estate-General

    King Louis XVI summons the Estate-General to order new tax levy.
  • Third Estate leaves Estates-General and becomes National Assembly

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Members of the National Assembly took an oath vowed to never separate until a written constitution was established for France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    State prison in Paris was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob.
  • The Great Fear

    A period of panic and riot by peasants because of a rumor of "aristocratic conspiracy". Ended on 08/03/1789.
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man and The Citizen is drafted

  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women of Paris rioted against the high price and scarcity of bread. Ended on 10/06/1789
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Law passed that caused immediate subordination of the Catholic Church in Franch to French government
  • STAGE 2

  • Day of Daggers

    Hundreds of armed nobles go to the Tuileries Palace to protect King Louis XVI and were later arrested.
  • Mirabeau dies

  • Flight to Varennes

    King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette, and their family unsuccessfully attempted to escape Paris.
  • Massacre of the Champs de Mars

    30-30 Parisian civilians were killed by the National Guard at a political protest.
  • Slave uprising begins in Haiti

  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    The Holy Roman Empire and Prussia declare support of King Louis XVI and against the French Revolution.
  • Slavery is abolished in France, but not in New World French colonies

  • Revolution of 10 August

    The National Guard and a mob of Parisians invade the Tuileries Palace and cause the fall of the French monarchy.
  • September Massacres

    Wave of mass killing of prisoners in Paris and other cities who were thought to be planning a counterrevolutionary plot. Ended 09/07/1792.
  • The Convention abolishes the monarchy and France is declared a republic

  • STAGE 3

  • Louis XVI is executed

  • Counter-revolution in the Vendee begins

    Armd uprising against Convention rule. Began in Venee region of France
  • Marat is murdered

  • Reign of Terror begins

    The Girondins were overthrown and the Jacobins rose to power under Robespierre, who wanted to purge France of Revolution enemies and foreign invaders.
  • Committee of Public Safety begins de-Christianization

    Churches were closed, all institutionalised religions had to be eradicated,a new civil Religion of Reason was established, and Sunday was abolished from the Republican Calendar.
  • Marie Antoinette is executed

  • Danton is executed

  • Robespierre is elected president of the Convention

  • The Great Terror begins

    End of the Reign of terror. Robespierre fell from power and the number of executions greatly increased.
  • Robespierre is executed