The Expansion of the British Empire

  • 1497

    The John Cabot's Travel

    Jhon Cabot crossed the Atlantic from England and it was the beginning of the exploration of the world seaching new lands.
  • 1508

    The Spanish Armada was Defeated

    Britain gained confidence and the chance to expand to other continents because Spain was a strong country in those times.
  • The Creation of the East Indian Company

    This British company developed trade in Southeast Asia and India.
  • Foundation of Virginia

    It was the first of the thirteen permanent colonies found by British settlers along the coast of North America.
  • Massacre of British Merchants

    There was rivality between Dutch and British in India. As a result of that confontation the company concentrated in it and the trading station were increasing around the coast.
  • Bengal is Controlled by the East Indian Company

    This company rule India during that time and it was takeing over this territory in the Northeast of India.
  • The end of the Seven Years war

    Britain defeated France and won lands in North America
  • India Became British Colony

    Britain colonazed officialy India and ended with the controll of the East Indian Company.
  • Australia Became British Colony

    It was the resul of the exploration by the Pacific of the captian Jack Cook and other explorers.
  • Period: to

    The Conquest of Africa

    Missionaries, explores and merchants helped to open the way to north and centre of Africa. Britain win the competition with others countries such as Portugal, France and Germany.
  • Cape of Good Hope Became British Colony.

    Cape of Good Hope was ruled by the Dutchs, which was the only European permanet settlement in Africa an was the beggining of the British domain in Africa.
  • New Zeland Became Brittish Colony

    Britain also added other small terrories in the Pacific.