
The evolution of Australian states and territories - By Callan Piper

  • New South Wales

    New South Wales
    The colony of New South Wales is founded.
  • Western Australia

    Western Australia
    Swan River Colony has its name changed to Western Australia.
  • Swan River

    Swan River
    Swan River Colony is declared by Charles Fremantle for Britain.
  • South Australia 28 December 1836

    South Australia 28 December 1836
    The colony of South Australia is proclaimed with its western border set at 132
  • Queensland

    The colony of Queensland is proclaimed by Letters Patent, with its western border set at 141° E, and settlement began on 10 December that year.
  • Federal Capital Territory

    Federal Capital Territory
    The Federal Capital Territory was created within New South Wales, and the Northern Territory was split off from South Australia.
  • North Australia and Central Australia.

    North Australia and Central Australia.
    The Northern Territory was split into the territories of North Australia and Central Australia.
  • back to the Northern Territory

    back to the Northern Territory
    North Australia and Central Australia were reunited as the Northern Territory.
  • Australia Now

    Australia Now
    Will Australia keep changing?