Articles constitution differences

The Confederation and the Constitution

  • Continental congress calls for abolishment of slave trade

    Continental congress calls for abolishment of slave trade
    This event is significant in history because it was the divison upon opinion of slaves and the slave trade that led to the civil war. The north wanted to abolish slavery where as the South did not. This division of opinion between the North and South led to many civil conflicts.
  • Articles of Confederation adopted by Second continental congress

    Articles of Confederation adopted by Second continental congress
    This event was highly significant primarily because the Articles of Confederation was in all reality the new revised constitution in which America will abide and live by. This was the foundation and road that America will now go down leading to many historical events to come.
  • Articles of Confederation put into effect

    Articles of Confederation put into effect
    Paper money was introduced into America due to the lack of metallic money. This event is history is significant primarily because Americas economic system was built upon this newly invented form of money in which we still use today. This is also significant because it was a step towards greater unity and joint action in America
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    The significance of the land ordinance of 1785 was that it provided thought for the future. It specified that a portion of land should be put aside to be used at a later date.
  • Shays rebellion

    Shays rebellion
    This event in history was signifixant because there was a lack of a response to the uprising. The lack of response calls to reevaluate the Articles of Confederation and gave a need to have the Philadelphia Convention. Shays' Rebellion produced fears about the idea of revolution being out of hand
  • Ratification by nine states

    Ratification by nine states
    This event in History is significant because it guarenteed a new government under the constitution that American will now live by