The Cold War Era Events

  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Countries involved: France, United Kingdom, US, Soviet Union
    The allies occupied the city of Berlin, which was in the eastern part of Germany. The Soviet Union tried to blockade all railroads, roads, and canal access so the allies couldn't get any material in. Western powers began an airlift that delivered vital supplies and relief to West Berlin.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Countries involved: China, North Korea, South Korea, United Nations, US
    North Korea invaded pro western South Korea on the 38th Parallel, as they wanted to spread communism. American troops entered on South Korea's side, but after the initial invasion, the war slowly stalled with nothing to show for it. The Korean War was the first military action taken in the Cold War, and over 5 million soldiers/civilians died.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Countries involved: US, Vietnam
    North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam wasn't, so the US stepped in to fight for South Vietnam when the attacks began. It was a costly war with over 3 million dead, and it created division in the US. North Vietnam won the war, and in 1976, the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • The Suez Canal Crisis

    The Suez Canal Crisis
    Countries involved: Egypt, France, Israel, United Kingdom
    Israeli armed forces invaded Egypt towards the Suez canal, a valuable water =way that controlled oil used in Europe. Britain and France joined on the side of Israel, which damaged their relations with the US. In the end, Egypt won.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Countries involved: USSR, US
    As the Cold War intensified, the two military superpowers competed as to who would get to space first. They both wanted to prove superiority in technology, military power, and political/economic systems.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    Countries involved: The Soviet Union, US
    The USSR shot down an American plane and captured the pilot, Powers. Eisenhower was confronted with the US espionage, and Powers was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was released after only 2 years by a spy swap with the USSR.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Countries involved: Cuba, Soviet Union, US
    This was a 13 day standoff over the installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba by the Soviet Union. The US made an agreement that they would not invade Cuba if the Soviet Union removed the missiles.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Countries involved: Egypt, Israel, Syria
    Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday of atonement, also during Ramadan. The war ceased on October 26, and Israel signed a ceasefire agreement with Egypt and Syria.
  • The Soviet War in Afghanistan

    The Soviet War in Afghanistan
    Countries involved: Soviet Union, Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union intervened in support of the Afghan communists. This triggered a nine year long civil war in which over 1 million civilians died and some 125,000 soldiers lost their lives.
  • "Able Archer" Military Exercise

    "Able Archer" Military Exercise
    Countries involved: NATO
    This was a war game created by NATO that closely represented a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. This heightened tensions between NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the heat of the Civil War.
  • Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007

    Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007
    Countries involved: Soviet Union, US
    Kor4ean Air lines flight 007 was on its route from Anchorage, Alaska, to Seoul, South Korea. The plane strayed more than 200 miles and entered Soviet airspace, and the Soviets shot it down. It killed all 269 on board, and heightened the tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.