The Cold War (1945- 1991)

  • Cold War Begins

    Cold War Begins
    Feb. 4- Feb. 11: There were many series of events that occur during this time period and in reality it is said that the cold war has no official start or end date.
  • Hiroshima

    The US drops an atomic bomb over Hiroshima by the name of Little boy that killed over 80,000 people.
  • The "Long Telegram"

    The "Long Telegram"
    The "Long Telegram"
    The telegram was written by George Kennan. The State department had cabled the US Moscow embassy where they received the long telegram that was 8000 words long. And it contained what they had been waiting for it to say. He had expressed how he felt about the Soviet Union and Communism. The above link is what the telegram says word by word.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Many times it was called the official declaration of the Cold War which is why it makes it important to the Cold War. The Truman Doctrine was President asking for US assistance for Greece and Turkey to stop communist domination. (
  • NATO Pact Signed

    NATO Pact Signed
    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization and was signed by the United States, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal. NATO was "a mutual defense pact aimed at containing possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe." (
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    This is when communist North Korea attacks South Korea. This is important because we then have the US jump in and help South Korea fight and it was a long 3 years where many lives were lost.
  • State of Emergency

    State of Emergency
    On this date is when President Harry Truman really recalled this whole situation in a state of emergency. He was somehow looking for the help of the Amercians so that they could find a way that they could stop commnism from spreading any farther from where it was.
  • Cold War Danger

    Cold War Danger
    President Harry S. Turman warns Americans that they are going through a perilous time where there is a communist threat going on.
  • Middle East Policy

    Middle East Policy
    This was a proposal that President Dwight Eisenhower made to Congress that was also known as "Eisenhower Doctrine". He basically as for authorization to begin new programs of economic and military cooperation with friendly nations in the region. He also requested authorization to use U.S. troops "to secure and protect the territorial integrity and political independence of such nations."
  • Castro Sworn In

    Castro Sworn In
    On this day Fidel Castro is sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba. He is better known for restricting the exit of Cuba but no matter there were many citizens of Cuba that fled their country and came to the US. Cuba was the communist state in the western hemisphere.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    At this time East Germany began the construction of the Berlin Wall. The main purpose really was to split up the East and West side of Germany but they had many people from the East side going over to the West side to reunite with their families. And the US was making plans on how to bring the wall down.
  • Blockade of Cuba

    Blockade of Cuba
    President John F. Kennedy adresses that the Soviet Union has placed nuclear weapons in Cuba and this is done televised to all the Americans. He just wanted to alert them that the US would blockade any other weapons from entering Cuba.
  • SALT Signed

    SALT Signed
    SALT stands for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, agreements. It was signed by U.S. President Richard Nixon and Soveit President Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow. This agreement was to limit how many countries they could put their missiles since these two Presidents were looking on how to control missile usage.
    SALT agreements signed. (2014). The History Channel website. Retrieved 5:48, November 26, 2014, from
  • SALT- II

    SALT- II
    (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) This treaty was signed by President Jimmy Carter and Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev which again was the limitation and guidelines for nuclear weapons. This treaty was a result of the many lagging issues left over from the successful SALT-treaty of 1972.
  • East Germany opens the Berlin Wall

    East Germany opens the Berlin Wall
    This is when East Germany official opened up the Berlin Wall and allowed traveling from the East to the West side. The day after this happened is when the Germans started to tear the wall down. This is important because this soon leads to the end of the Cold War.
  • End Of Cold War

    End Of Cold War
    The End of The Cold War
    By this time what was seen was the fall of the Berlin Wall, Eastern Europe States were set free and the Soviet Union itself had disbanded.