the best of me in the future

  • Present Time

    I am currently in high school. I am about to go into Grade 11 and am currently unemployed.
  • 5 Years In The Future

    In 5 years I will be 21 years old. I predict that I will be in university to get my masters degree in whatever I apply for in grade 12 (hopefully in a form of city planning or engineering). I predict that I will have a steady part time job (possibly as a lifeguard) while in school so that I can pay for my expenses. I predict that I will have moved out of my on 5 years and will be living on campus. I predict that I will go to school at the u of t and that I will have studied abroad by then.
  • 10 Years In The Future

    In 10 years, I will be 26 years old. I predict that I will have graduated from university, I predict that I will have completed all of my post-secondary courses as well and will be employed. I am anticipating the challenges that will come with my eagerness to become employed. I would love to work in the field that I have studied in although I think it will be hard to get started. I predict that I will face the most challenges when transitioning from post-secondary programs to working full-time.
  • 15 Years In The Future

    In 15 years, I will be 31 years old. I predict that I will have found a steady well paying job by this point in time as I will probably have spent a few years in the workforce. I think that by this point in time, I will have a steady income and that I will be employed in a stable job. I think I will face some challenges at this point in time as well because, I will most likely be employed in one of my first few jobs so I will somewhat still be a rookie and I think that I will be less positive.
  • 20 Years In The Future

    In 20 years, I will be 36 years old. I think in this point in time, I will be at a job that I enjoy. I predict that I will be able to have connections to many people who work in the field that I will eventually working and will have built up a lot of experience for my resume and cover letters. I also think that my cover letters and resume will improve a lot because I will have had a lot of experience by then. I think that I will not have as many challenges because I will have learned the ropes.