The Assyrians

  • 234

    The Middle Empire

    The vast Kingdom of Mitanni rose from the area of eastern Anatolia and now held power in the region of Mesopotamia; Assyria fell under their control. Invasions by the Hittites under King Suppiluliuma I broke Mitanni power and replaced the kings of Mitanni with Hittite rulers at the same time that the Assyrian king Eriba Adad I was able to gain influence at the Mitanni (now mainly Hittite) court. The Assyrians now saw an opportunity to assert their own autonomy and began to expand their kingdom.
  • 247

    The Old Kingdom

    Although the city of Ashur existed from the 3rd millennium BCE, the extant ruins of that city date to 1900 BCE which is now considered the date the city was founded. According to early inscriptions, the first king was Tudiya, and those who followed him were known as “kings who lived in tents” suggesting a pastoral, rather than urban, community. Ashur was certainly an important centre of commerce even at this time, however, even though its precise form and structure is unclear.
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    The Rise of Ashur

    The wealth generated from trade in Karum Kanesh provided the people of Ashur with the stability and security necessary for the expansion of the city and so laid the foundation for the rise of the empire. Trade with Anatolia was equally important in providing the Assyrians with raw materials from which they were able to perfect the craft of iron working. The iron weapons of the Assyrian military would prove a decisive advantage in the campaigns which would conquer the entire region of the East
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    Military Expansion

    The kings who followed Adad Nirari II continued the same policies and military expansion. Tukulti Ninurta II (891-884 BCE) expanded the empire to the north and gained further territory toward the south in Anatolia, while Ashurnasirpal II (884-859 BCE) consolidated rule in the Levant and extended Assyrian rule through Canaan. Their most common method of conquest was through siege warfare which would begin with a brutal assault on the city.
  • 256


    Assyrians have practiced two religions: Ashurisim and Christianity. Ashurisim was the first religion of the Assyrians. The name of their "god" was Ashur also known as the Assyrian God. The Assyrians continued to practice this religion until 256 A.D but by that time most of the Assyrians had accepted Christianity. The Assyrians were the First Nation to accept Christianity.
  • Sep 1, 673

    The conquering of Egypt

    The conquering of Egypt
    The Assyrians invaded Egypt in 673 B.C and conquered it until 663 B.C
  • Aug 30, 750


    Assyrians used two languages throughout history: ancient Assyrians (Akkadian) and modern Assyrian (neo-Syriac).From the beginning to about 750 B.C the Assyrians has a writing system, on clay tablets.
  • Racial

    Assyrians are a Semetic people's indigenous to Mesopatamia. They are Mediterranean Caucasoids, and are ethnically Arabs and Jews.that is why their religion was diverted from Ashurisim to Christianity.
  • The Assyrian Deportation Policy

    dad Nirari I completely conquered the Mitanni and began what would become standard policy under the Assyrian Empire: the deportation of large segments of the population. With Mitanni under Assyrian control, Adad Nirari I decided the best way to prevent any future uprising was to remove the former occupants of the land and replace them with Assyrians. This should not be understood, however, as a cruel treatment of captives.