The American Revolution

  • The signing of the Declaration of independence

    The signing of the Declaration of independence
    after a long debate in the first Continental congress, they decided to fight for Independence. Therefore the wrote the declaration of independence.
  • Benedict Arnold defeated at the Battle of Valcour Island

    Benedict Arnold defeated at the Battle of Valcour Island
    The battle took place in Valcour bay and a narrow strait in New York and valcour island. the British navy proved to be too strong for the the american navy. most of the american navy was destroyed in the the retreat, was a major loss for the american army.
  • Treaty of Dewitt's Corner

    Treaty of Dewitt's Corner
    The treaty ended the Cherokee War of 1776-1777, the Cherokee tribe grouped up with other northern tribes and attack settlements in North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia. they wanted to push back the British colony but ended up losing.
  • Americans driven off at the Battle of Germantown

    Americans driven off at the Battle of Germantown
    The British defeated the the american in Pennsylvania. The reason for defeat was that Washington was unable the execute a sneak attack on the British. the British injured twice as many american as they loss.
  • Burgoyne surrenders to American General Gates at Saratoga, NY

    Burgoyne surrenders to American General Gates at Saratoga, NY
    the Burgoyne lost men and were losing defense during the first two engagement. with a weaken army heading to saratoga , the Burgoyne decided to surrender in saratoga to General Gates.
  • Washington's army retires to winter quarters at Valley Forge

    Washington's army retires to winter quarters at Valley Forge
    Washington retreated to valley forge during the the winter. The reason for retreating was because the British were occupying Philadelphia for the winter. They were looking out in case the British decided to attack the country side because that the colonist had their food.
  • The United States and France sign the French Alliance

    The United States and France sign the French Alliance
    The alliance was form as a defensive act. The alliance stated that the french will provide military support if the British started fight with the french. King Louis XVI of France acknowledge the USA as a independent country so he deiced to help the USA.
  • British abandon Philadelphia and return to New York

    after defeating George Washington in Philadelphia in the battle Battle of Brandywine and the Battle of the Cloud, the British occupied Philadelphia. General William Howe had made Philadelphia the center of his campaign but the Patriot government did not allow him to be victorious. the British fled to new York because it was much safer there.
  • French and American forces besiege Newport, RI

    French and American forces besiege Newport, RI
    After the newly formed french american alliance, the american and french planned to fight for Rhode island. however the battle for Rhode island had no winner because both sides retreated.
  • The redcoats occupy Savannah

    The redcoats occupy Savannah
    the British launched a surprise attack on Savannah with 2500-3600 troops . The defending american were severely out numbered and were forced to retreat. the american lost 83 soldier and 400ish captured by the British. however the British only lost 3 men and 10 wounded.
  • Patriots Andrew Pickens and Elijah Clarke beat Loyalists at Kettle Creek

    Patriots Andrew Pickens and Elijah Clarke beat Loyalists at Kettle Creek
    the engagement was difficult but when the loyalist found there commander dead with a musket shot they panicked and retreated to the swamp and creek where Andrew Pickens and Elijah Clarke's armys waited for them and then surrounded them. was a major victory for the patriots.
  • Spain declares war on Great Britain

    Spain declares war on Great Britain
    when Spain declared war on Britain it created the de facto alliance with america. This was a major event because it took a major hit to Britain's supplies because this was one more nation that wouldn't trade with Britain.
  • British crush Americans at Waxhaw Creek

    British crush Americans at Waxhaw Creek
    British and american called for a truce but during the true somebody shot british officer's Banastre Tarleton horse trapping him under it, this outraged the British so they started killing american soldier. they started killing american solider who didnt resist. the americans lost 113 men killed by swords and 150 injured so badly they couldn't move. a major loss.
  • Washington names Nathanael Greene commander of the Southern Army

    Washington names Nathanael Greene commander of the Southern Army
    Nathanael Greene replaced Horalto Gates as leader of american army against lord Cornwallis. Greene was the youngest commander but was very respected and was very smart.
  • Articles of Confederation adopted

    Articles of Confederation adopted
    the articles of confederation was the first constitution of the United States. Had a weak central government and most of the power was left to the state government. Was later ratified after the war.
  • French fleet drives British naval force from Chesapeake Bay

    French fleet drives British naval force from Chesapeake Bay
    the french were able to take control of the sea lanes from the British. the french later armed the american army with siege artillery and French reinforcements. 22 ships in line for the french. the British and french were evenly matched but the the french had to led the British away because there was a french ship with siege weapons for the colonist about to arrive. however the french went back to new York to prepare for a final defense.
  • The United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris

    The United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris
    after major defeats for the British, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams and John Jay negotiated the peace treaty with Great Britain. this treaty made Britain acknowledge USA as a independent nation and give the USA most of the land west of the Mississippi river. this doubled the size of the USA.